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Everest hugged the Cockapoo back. Skye felt her heart starting to race as she sniffed. She felt her paws shake on her back. Skye closed her eyes and sighed.

"It'll be alright." She comforted in a soft tone. Everest nodded her head as she looked up, trying to avoid tears running down her cheeks.

Skye broke the hug and looked to the stairwell. "Come on." Skye said. Taking a deep breath. They all started to slowly walk up the stairs, walking next to or ahead of one another. All exhausted.

Skye looked down to the stairs as she walked.

Remembering her getting caught. She looked back up and her face sterned. She climbed ahead of them, slowly and surely. 

She looked up to the stairwell they were climbing. She scoffed to herself internally. 'I can climb these.' She said, skipping a few steps.

Her General self appeared next to her, as she climbed the stairs next to her.

'Look, you need to chill.' Skye rolled her eyes as her General self talked. She shooed her away internally as she kept climbing the stairs.

'You can get rid of me that easily.' She looked up to in front of her. Her General walking up the stairs, backward as she looked down to her.

'Look Skye. You need to Child up a little.' She said, narrowed her eyes to her. Skye scoffed softly. She kept climbing as she focused.

'The last thing I need to so it be a burden to them.' She replied internally. Her General self nodded her head understanding.

'At least slow down for the others' Her General self said as she stopped. Skye shook her head as she continued to climb. She looked back to the stairs. Focused.

"How is she not tired?!" Rocky asked in a whisper. They all shrugged their shoulders, continuing to climb. 

"I'm Exhausted, and we haven't been climbing for along time." Zuma whispered to the others. 

"I feel like something's wrong." Everest whispered, looking down. "Did we do something?" Everest asked. Looking back up to the others as the continued to climb.

Chase looked up to the Cockapoo, continuing to skip steps, as she grunted. He narrowed his eyes to her arm. She was limping as she skipped steps.

His eyes shot wider as he looked back to the steps.

'Is she hurt?!' He panicked in his thoughts.

He shook his head. Dismissing the thought. 

"Chase." He looked to the Dally. Walking beside him. "I can see it in your eyes. Your getting Paranoid. What is it." He asked. Looking back to the stairs. 

Chase shook his head as he looked back to the steps.

Skye looked up to the wall. As the Stairs continued to spirail. She looked to a Red Sign. With big Bold letters.

Level 3

She smiled as she looked back up. Continuing to step on the grey cement steps as she did. She spotted the next door, leading out to another hallway. She looked back to the stairs. 

"We're almost there." She whispered down to them. They all looked back up to the Cockapoo, Struggling to keep her lead.

They looked past her, an Identical sign that Ryder had saw when they were climbing for their lives. Big Bold letters spelling out "Level 3"

They all sighed in relief as they picked up their pace in climbing the stairs. 

Skye stopped as the door, taking in deep breaths. She looked back to them, catching up. She took a final deep breath before looking back to the door. Acting as if she wasn't tired. She gently lifted up her left paw for a split second. 

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