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The pups, Ryder, and Jake. Were all running up the stairs, as Ryder held the Cockapoo, tight in his arms. She could feel his rapid heartbeat. 

Pumping like a Car motor. She looked back to the pups, all running up the stairs as they jumped some.

"Ryder, I can walk up the stairs as well." She said. Guilty for not helping. He shook his head as he continued to rub up the stairs. 

"Your paw hurts. The way you can help is by helping the pups thru each fear floor." Ryder said, looking down at her briefly.

She looked back up the Cement stairs. She kept her eyes up, and her eyes crossed. Looking up to the memorizing spiral of the Stairs. She quickly shook her head out of her trance.

She looked to a vent, beside a landing rest. Starting to hear rattling of it, as they ran past it. Up their stairs. 

She watched as the vent was kicked open. A Group of male Attendants crawled out. Skye's eyes widened as she looked back to the pups.

"They are here!" She shouted. They all looked briefly to a landing rest, attached to the stairwell. The groups of dogs all came out from the vent. Looking up to them as the started to growl. 

"Get THEM!" One yelled. They all started to run up the stairs after them. Skye looked back up to the stairwell, above them. 

Spiraling Round and round. She looked to a sign, Bold Letters standing out.

Level 4

She looked to the flashlight in the boy's hand. She quickly took it out his hand. She looked back to the male attendants, catching up with the quick. She waited as the pups behind the boys, slowly ran up quicker.

She aimed the Flashlight to them. Narrowing her eyes. She turned it on and it flashed bright. They all whined as they held their eyes, stopping as the tried to block the light.

"Yes!" She exclaimed as the ran up the stairs. Leaving the group of dogs behind. She looked up to a door, slowly nearing them. 

They all stopped in front of the door. She looked to the lab. Starring to the door. 

"This is your door Zuma." She said, looking down to him. His voice broke as he stood stiff. She quickly looked down the staircase. They were recovering from the bright light.

"Open up the door." Skye requested. He shook his head, back to her. She looked back to the group of dogs, starting to run up the staircase.

She looked back to the Lab. Still shaking his head. She started to lose her Patience. She took a deep breath as the boy put her down. 

She limped over to the Lab. Holding onto him for support. Both for him and her.

"I'll be right here. We all will." She said in a soft tone. He looked back to the Doorknob.

"I'll open up the Door, close your eyes alright?" She requested. He nodded his head. Looking up as his eyes closed. She quickly picked up the flashlight. 

She pointed it to the group of dogs, all stopping to the landing Rest below them. She growled as she pointed the flashlight to them.

"Back away. From my friends." She requested. 

"What are you doing." Everest asked in a whisper. Ignoring the Husky, she kept limping down the stairs. 

"Back down the stairs. I promise I won't do anything." Skye promised. They kept their growl as they watched her take steps to them.

Chase looked to the knob. He quickly stood up, opening up the door.

One dog looked to them, entering the room. The lab, kept outside.

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