Taking one for the team

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"Alright," Ryder said, closing the door. 

"Who's next?"

They all looked to the Shepherd. Starring upwards. He felt his breathing slowly starting to get rapid. Chills ran down his spine.

He looked down to his paw. Shaking slowly. 

Skye looked to Chase. Looking up to the stairwell. She looked to his paws, shaking. She slowly stood up, limping to him. 

She tapped his shoulder.

He flinched as he looked at her. She smiled weakly as she pointed upwards.

"Come on." He said, walking past her. He walked up the steps. Skipping steps.

They all looked at each other. Soon, walked after him. They skipped stairs. As the boy held the Cockapoo in his arms.

Chase kept his eyes up, trying to calm himself. 

Ryder looked to the walls of the Stairwell. Spotting a Red Sign, Bold letters spelling out

Level 8

Ryder looked back to the Shepherd, keeping his eyes up as he climbed the stairs. They all looked to each other. Concerned. 

They looked to the Cockapoo, keeping her eyes on him. She held her own paw, attempting to calm herself. She closed her eyes, resting her head on the boy's shoulder.

She kept her eyes closed shut as she listened to the footsteps, echoing thru the stairwell. As their feet kept hitting the cement steps. 

She rubbed her face. Trying to calm herself. She slowly opened up her eyes, looking behind her. She looked to the Big and Red sign. Bold letters showing the next level.

She closed her eyes, once again. Trying to calm herself. She kept rubbing her face as she softly groaned. Her paw was killing her. 

She lifted it off her face as she looked back to the shepherd. His footsteps slowly becoming hesitant. As they neared they neared the door. She looked up to the door, but not like the others. On a Landing Rest. 

They slowly neared it, climbing closer and closer.

Until they hit the last step.

Chase stopped before lifting his paw to the landing rest. He slowly put his paw down. Closing his eyes as he jumped up onto it. He slowly opened up his eyes to a door. Identical to one you would find in a dentist office.

He backed away from the door. Shaking his head.

Ryder quickly put the Cockapoo down. She limped over to the Shepherd. 

"Look at me."

He slowly lowered his gaze to her. He locked his eyes with hers. She smiled weakly as she looked to the door.

"I'll open it up, if you help me up." She said, pointing to the handle. He slowly backed away from her, shaking his head.

She looked back to him. His back to the wall, as he kept his eyes off the door. He held himself as he put his knees to his chest. Softly whimpering to himself.

Skye looked back to him. Limping to him. She sat down next to him. Leaning her head onto his shoulder.

"It'll be alright." She whispered. Nuzzling his shoulder. He shook his head.

"I can't even look at a stupid door, how am I supposed to walk in?!" He asked, looking to her. A smile on her face as he looked to her.

"Alright then." She said, standing up.

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