One Word "Idea"

191 2 15

The loudspeaker disconnected. They all slowly looked to each other.

The boy pointed the flashlight down the hallway, tapping on the walls arose. 

"Come on." He whispered. They all walked behind the boy, soft with their footsteps. "Alright, Liberty where do we go next," Chase asked in a whisper. She looked back ahead, squinting her eyes. 


They all stopped. Ryder felt the edge of the stairwell as his feet. He pointed the flashlight down to the stairwell, below his feet. He sighed in relief.

"Thanks." He said in a soft whisper. Liberty nodded her head as she looked to the Mongrel. She sighed as she looked back ahead. 

"We'll get out of this rocky." Marshall said, looking around. Rocky looked back to them and nodded. They all looked away from the mongrel. To the pitch black surroundings all around them. Barely, they couldn't see in front of them when they stepped is they didn't have the flashlight shining to the ground.

They turned away from the stairwell, walking down a different pathway, leading to another flight of stairs. Liberty narrowed her eyes everywhere. Trying to find a better way to see.

Her eyes glistened as she spotted a familiar wall. "Follow me." She said, in a soft whisper. Walking away from the actual stairwell. They all looked to her confused. They all followed her as they walked down the hall.

Passing by walls filled with doors of different types of colors.

The carpet, cushioning as they walked along it. White walls they passed as they walked down the hallway. Following the sure Dachshund. 

She looked down to different rooms, labeled differently. 

She narrowed her eyes to a familiar door. Her eyes sparkled shortly as the boy pointing a beam of light to the door. He looked to the metal handle, slowly opening it up. Creaking open.

A Cool blast hit their faces. A shiver running down their spines as they did. They put one foot, or paw, inside the room. The door slowly creaked as it was opened wider. 

Footsteps were visibly heard as they all slowly walked in. Giggles were heard from the room. Echoing off the walls.

Shivers ran down all of them, as fear rushed thru their blood. 

Liberty walked ahead, surpassing them as she was light on her footsteps. Ryder flashed the flashlight around the entrée of the room. He spotted something red. He narrowed his eyes to it, confused.

He gestured the pups and Jake to get back as he flashed the flashlight at it. 

Weight limit: 120.

Ryder's eyes widened as he pushed everyone out the room. He pointed the flashlight to the sign. Their eyes shot wider. They all looked to the Dachshund. Ryder flashed the flashlight to her.


She looked behind her to them.

"How much do you weigh?" Rocky asked, in a soft whisper. Skye whipped her head to the Mongrel. Both Everest and Skye flicked behind his head. 

"Ow." He said, rubbing behind his head. Liberty snarled as she rolled her eyes. "Depends on how I feel on the day." She said, narrowing her eyes to Rocky.

"Maybe, around." She said, rubbing her forehead. "60 pounds?" She estimated. They all sighed in relief.

"Hey!" She said, crossing her arms.

"No, there's a weight limit." Zuma said, pointing to the red sign. Liberty squinted her eyes around. Ryder pointed the light to the red sign, Bold black letters.

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