Chapter 1: Where we first met

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Chapter 1:

"I'll get one caramel macchiato to go, please," This sleazy-looking customer said as he handed me his bills, I smiled brightly and took his money, placing it in the cash register.

"One caramel macchiato please!" I yelled back at the kitchen staff who gave me a thumbs up.

Let me introduce myself, the name's Yoshida Sho, but I go by the name Shoyo where I work. You might have guessed it by now, I work at a maid cafe in Shinjuku. 

I'm a 19-year-old university student taking up mechanical engineering, I live alone in an apartment in Shibuya (well, it's more like a house with rooms rented out to other people, so I basically share a house with other people) but I took a part-time job as a waitress in Shinjuku just because I didn't want anybody I know to know I work at a maid cafe.

"Shoyo-chan! Can you take this to table 3," Erina-san, my senior, asked me. I quickly headed to the kitchen and grabbed the tray with 4 mugs of hot espresso on it.

"Not a lot of people order these types of drinks," I mumbled to myself as I headed to table 3. 

To my surprise, it was a group of rowdy delinquents sitting in the booth. 3 of them were messing with each other while the one at the end of the booth just watched them with no interest at all.

Why would a group of delinquents be at a maid cafe?

As I was close to their table, some kid came running and pushed me, making me spill the drinks at the guy I was talking about, the one with a bored expression on his face.

I was mortified, those were hot drinks and it's spilled all over the customer.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized and quickly grabbed some paper towels to dry off the customer. I started dabbing the paper towels on him but he just stared at me with the same bored expression.

Every single one of the staff and the manager came rushing towards the scene, checking to see if everything is alright. 

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident!" I continued to apologize and dry the customer, I was obviously panicking, I didn't know what to do. What if he got burnt by the coffee? What if he'll sue the cafe? What if I lose my job?

"You know," The customer started off, "This is sexual harassment," 

My eyes grew wide, I was confused. How is spilling coffee on him considered sexual harassment? He then pointed to where I was dabbing the paper towels, that's when I realized I was patting down the paper towels on his crotch.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" I said as I quickly backed away from him, I was then pulled away by Erina-san to the storage room. I was panicking hysterically at what happened, not only will he sue the cafe but he'll sue me for sexual harassment.

"Sho-chan, calm down!" Erina-san said as she handed me a bottle of water.

"It was an accident!" I said as I continued to panic, "I didn't mean to!"

"I know," She said as she tried fanning me with her apron so I could relax and calm down, "Let the manager handle it, calm down, okay?" 


After the longest 10 minutes of my life. The manager came into the storage room looking pretty frustrated.

"What did he say?" Erina-san asked,

"Am I getting fired?" I asked,

"He said no harm done," He said, I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh of relief, "He said you don't need to worry about anything, it was an accident, he even asked me not to fire you"

I'm so damn lucky that the guy was nice enough to let this slide, for a delinquent he sure is nice, I think.

"Thank you, manager!" I sincerely bowed to my manager who just let out a frustrated sigh,

"You're not off the hook," He said as he grabbed the mop from the side and handed it to me, "You're going to be opening and closing the shop for a month,"

"I understand," I said as I grabbed the mop from him and headed out of the storage room.


It was around 10 PM, everyone has left except for me. I don't mind closing up the shop, I had nothing else better to do at home so staying behind doesn't bother me.

As I was mopping, I noticed a white coat on one of the booths, I grabbed it and examined it, maybe the owner left his ID so I could contact him.

"Kodo Rengo," I read the embroidered text on the coat.

I just brushed it off and placed the coat on the counter, the owner will probably be back for it tomorrow.

I continued to mop the cafe when my favorite song started blasting through the speakers. 

Since I knew I was alone, I started singing out loud and dancing to the beat of the music like I was at a club. 

I was thoroughly enjoying myself, dancing and singing like an idiot while I was cleaning up the cafe.

I didn't even realize someone came into the shop.

"Not bad," I heard someone say, 

I turned to the entrance of the shop to find the guy from earlier watching me. I quickly and anxiously bowed down to greet him. 

I was so embarrassed, I didn't have the balls to look at him. 

This was the 2nd time I've embarrassed myself today and with the same person.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized out of instinct, 

He just ignored me and went up to the counter to grab his coat. So he was the one who left the coat here.

"Uhmm, I'm sorry about earlier, you know, for spilling coffee on you," I told him, 

"Don't worry about it," He said then casually headed out of the cafe like nothing happened. 

Maybe he was just the type of guy who doesn't care. Somehow that made me feel very relieved, if it was someone from my school, they might just bully me some more.


I dragged myself back home to Shibuya.

I have to admit, today was not my day at all.

I fucked up at work,

I embarrassed myself twice,

I almost lost my job,

I even sexually harassed a guy without even knowing it,

What's wrong with me?

"Fuck my life," I mumbled to myself as I placed my keys on my room door, 

Just as I was about to open the door, the room in front of mine opened. We must have a new border because that room has been vacant for 2 months now.

"You must be new, welcome to the hou--," I said as I turned to face the new tenant but I froze mid-sentence once I saw who he was.

It was the same guy from the maid cafe.

"Oh, it's you again," He said with the same bored expression he has all day,

I'm fucking screwed.

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