Chapter 6: A little too close

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Chapter 6: 

[Sho's POV]

This isn't happening! Why is Wakasa here and why is he friends with Shinichiro?! How the hell did that happen?! 

"You two know each other?" Shin asked as he sensed the weird tension between Wakasa and me, 

"I have never seen this person in my whole life!" I blurted out and quickly turned my attention back to the bike I was fixing,

"Oya~ Shoyo-chan is denying our relationship? You even kissed me before," Wakasa was definitely mocking me,

"Fuck off, I didn't kiss you!" I hissed at him,

"Shoyo? Kissed?" Shinichiro was confused, "Oh~! You're the guy she was telling me about!"

"How do you even know each other?!" I asked, I can't possibly see any connection between them, how could they possibly meet each other, Wakasa and I live on the other side of Shibuya.

So remember when Wakasa said that his gang disbanded and he called a truce with the rival gang? Apparently, Shinichiro played an important role in that fight as the mediator, and because of him, the two gangs have decided to merge under one gang.

Shinichiro was always that type of person, he fights people stronger than him and would always find a way to solve everything. That is why he has a lot of friends and followers supporting him, he was weak in fighting and in love but he was still admired by everyone around him, including me.

"What a small world!" Shinichiro said, "And you two live in the same house, and go to the same university? You two are inseparable!"

"It feels more like the universe is punishing me," I mumbled lowly but I'm pretty sure Wakasa, who was sitting beside me, heard what I said,

"The supplies are here, you two stay here and wait for Takeomi and Benkei," Shinichiro said as he was reading his phone, he got up from his seat and headed to the back of the shop to meet with the dealer.

"So~," Wakasa started off,

"Don't even--," I said, I already know what he was going to say,

"This is a side of you I've never seen," He said, "You told me to stop smoking and yet here you are with a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,"

"It's an addiction, I've been trying to stop but I just can't, why do you think I have a lollipop with me always?" I told him, "Shin has been trying to get me to stop for years, he was the one who told me to try sucking on lollipops instead of smoking,"

[Wakasa's POV]

She's always like this when she talks about Shinichiro, she always talks about him with so much endearment and admiration. 

"You must really love that guy, huh?" I asked her, she smiled sincerely and nodded,

"Shinichiro, Manjiro, and Emma are my whole world, I don't know what I'll do if I lose them," She said,

I'm curious though, if they've known each other for so long, and he means so much to her, why don't they just get together. They seem really close and she obviously loves him, so what's the problem here?

"Imaushi-san, I'm heading out, I still have my evening shift at the cafe, I'll see you at home," Sho said as she got up from her seat and headed to the back room to get ready. 

I saw her talking to Shin from the small window of the backroom door, the way she talked to him wasn't anything I'd ever seen. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was the brightest when with him,

Kind of makes me feel jealous that she's not that nice to me, she's very hostile and aggressive with me,

After she left, Shinichiro and I were left alone in his shop. Benkei and Takeomi were running late for God knows what reason.

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