Chapter 18: Karma

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Chapter 18:

Of course,

At this point, I'm not even shocked anymore that my secret got out. I should have known that the moment Shiori came to the cafe my career is over.

"Yoshida-san, is it true? You're that famous maid in Shinjuku?" Isn't it kind of obvious already?

"Hey, Yoshida! Flash us your signature Arrow Heart!" Fuck, don't remind me that I used to do cringey shit.

"Hey, say UWU!" Is that the best mockery you could do?

"Shoyo, go get me a glass of water," That's rich,

"Shoyo, you're a maid, right? Clean my room why don't you?" I'm sure you can't afford me,

Why did I even bother to continue attending my class for the day, everywhere I went the students continue to tease and mock me about my job.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of working as a maid and I wasn't really planning on hiding it at first, but when I got suspended a year ago I knew it would cause problems at work and I had an image to protect as one of the cafe's best maids. I didn't want what happened a year ago to affect my work so I decided to separate my school life and job.

And this situation I am in right now is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

If only Shiori didn't come to that stupid party.

But then again, I did have a mental breakdown and removed my costume, so maybe it was my fault I got exposed.

Well, it doesn't matter anymore,

"It feels like everything is being taken away from me," I mumbled to myself as I let out a deep frustrated sigh,

After class, I headed to the cafe as told by my manager. I honestly thought they would be mad about what I did but they looked more disheartened than angry.

"I think you know why we called you here," My manager said calmly as he gestured for me to sit down in front of him, and I did what I was asked, I approached the table and sat in front of my manager and Erina-san so we could discuss the matter at hand, "But before we talk about that, I want to hear your side though I don't think anything will change, the management was stern with their decision,"

"I really don't have anything to say," I told them truthfully, "I lied about not having a tattoo or any vices, I knew this was coming sooner or later,"

"Shoyo-chan, I'm sorry, I tried to tell the management that they were making a huge mistake but they think you're a delinquent and could ruin the cafe's image," Erina-san said, you could see by the way she spoke that she was really feeling dejected about me getting dismissed. 

"Thank you, but it's fine, really," I assured her, "Thank you for looking after me while I was here,"

"I really don't want to do this Shoyo, you are one of our best employees but you know the rules. We have to let you go," He explained, "We'll be depositing your final cheque in your account by the end of the week,"

"I understand, thank you for the opportunity," I said as I got up from my seat and bowed to my seniors, the look of sadness on their faces just shattered me and I couldn't help but feel dejected about the whole thing as well. "Don't look at me like that, I'm fine really! At least, I can spend time with my family more now, you know how much I wanted to spend time with my little brother and sister," I assured them,

I turned around and was about to leave the cafe but I was surprised to see Wakasa standing by the entrance looking rather shocked and unhappy,

"What's going on here?" He questioned, I just ignored his question and walked past him,

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