Chapter 19: Done and over with

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Chapter 19:

"What are the grounds for these offenses?" I questioned, I really have no idea what the fuck I did to get expelled from school.

"Looks like little Shoyo is getting kicked out," Shiori mocked as she laughed with her friends, "now, aren't you happy you're no longer dating Waka-kun, you saved him from the embarrassment of your expulsion,"

I really didn't pay much attention to her snarky comments because I was still too stunned about getting expelled.

"Yoshida-san, the headmaster is waiting," The teacher told me, but she wasn't really answering my question. 

"Why am I being expelled? What are these offenses you are talking about?" I questioned yet again, I was starting to feel highly distressed. Shinichiro just paid for my tuition for the entire semester and they expelled me?

Shinichiro is going to be so disappointed in me,

"Do you want me to inform the entire student body about your offenses?" She replied, visibly frustrated I wasn't cooperating with her.

She did have a point though, I'm already embarrassed enough as it is.

I got up from my seat and started packing my things before heading toward where the teacher was.

"Oya~," A familiar voice chimed in, Wakasa appeared out of nowhere looking unsatisfied with what was happening. He walked towards me and wrapped one arm around my shoulder, I did not like where this is going, "Are you seriously going to leave everyone hanging? You already announced she's going to be expelled, might as well tell everyone why," This son of a bitch,

"Imaushi-san, can you please shut up," I whispered harshly at the white-haired male beside me,

"Go on, sensei," He continued, "I'm sure everyone here is curious why Yoshida Sho is getting the boot,"

"Imaushi-san!" I snapped but before I can yell all the curses in the dictionary, the teacher spoke up, you could tell she was getting annoyed with the whole situation,

"Imaushi-san, why are you so curious about Yoshida-san's offenses? From what I have been told, you were there," She spat back at Wakasa, 


"What is taking so long?" The headmaster called out as he entered the cafeteria with my department dean, "Where is Yoshida Sho?"

"Great! Everyone is here!" Wakasa said as he flashed a mischievous smirk. he's definitely planning something, I think I have to move to a different prefecture after this, "Headmaster, why don't you tell everyone why Sho-chan is getting expelled? Everyone is dying to know,"

"Yoshida Sho has violated multiple school policies, she's a menace to this university," The dean interjected, I really don't know what the fuck I did,

"We've received evidence of Yoshida-san smoking and drinking at a bar the other week,  this expulsion should not be shocking, the pictures have spread all over social media," The university headmaster pointed out as he threw polaroids of me at the cafe's after-party,

"I see," Wakasa said as he let go of me and started walking towards the headmaster and dean, "These are valid grounds for expulsion, I did some research and according to the student handbook, an individual who is caught smoking or drinking in his or her university uniform counts as an offense. I don't see Sho-chan in her school uniform here," Waka pointed out as he picked up a polaroid on the floor and showed it to the university administrators,

"What?!" Shiori bursts out angrily at Wakasa, 

"A student can only be held accountable for his or her offenses if he or she is caught smoking or drinking inside the campus or outside wearing his or her school uniform, or if he or she is underaged, but if I recall correctly, Sho-chan is 20," Wakasa said as he pulled out the small booklet from his pocket and shoved it towards the dean, "page 26,"

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