Chapter 7: Is the offer still valid?

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Chapter 7:

This isn't happening! This isn't happening! This isn't happening!

I tried squirming in my place, trying to break free from his hold but it seems like he was having too much fun with the whole situation,

"You know, the more you move, the more you rub off on me," He whispered behind me, I could feel steam coming out of my ears, I was about to cry from embarrassment,

"Let go!" I whined, he chuckled and quickly let go of my waist, "That wasn't funny!"

"No, it definitely was," He said as he got up from his seat and grabbed the coffee beans from the shelf with ease, and handed it to me, "Looks good on you, the lingerie," He said as he walked past me and headed to the bathroom,

I just stood there completely stunned with what just happened,

Why is this happening to me?


The whole morning I ignored Wakasa, and I'm sure you know what happens when you ignore Wakasa, he gets more annoying.

Usually, I would walk to school and he would ride his bike there, but today he "randomly" decided to walk to school instead.

"Come on! It was a joke!" He whined as we were walking to the university but I just ignored him, "For your information, that was a morning erection, I am not sexually attracted to you if that's what you're thinking,"

Well, that was rude. I'm sorry but that made me more pissed off,

"I did not ask if you were, just leave me alone," I hissed at him as I walked past him. I know I'm not like the girls he sleeps with. I'm plain, I'm short and I don't have a figure like a model but he didn't really have to say it directly at me. 

Just when I was starting to feel good about myself, he comes and ruins it.

"Why are you mad? You usually don't get this mad when I--," He said as he caught up to my pace,

"I don't know, maybe because all you ever do is make me feel bad about myself," I told him, "All you do is bully me and point out things that are wrong with me, I'm a virgin so what? I never had a boyfriend, does it matter? I don't wear sexy clothes, because it isn't comfortable, what does it matter to you anyway?!" 

"Calm down, princess," He was taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"And stop calling me princess, just stop, leave me alone!" I told him, judging by his reaction, it was pretty obvious that he has never tried to comfort a girl before. He barely showed emotions but he was visibly panicking.

He quickly pulled me into a hug, my face buried into his chest so I wasn't able to talk anymore.

"Calm down, okay?" He said, "I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone,"

I pulled away from the hug and glared at him, he looked sincere with his apology but I was still really upset with the whole thing. I did not say anything and just walked away.


You know what's odd, usually, people would just ignore me but that morning something weird happened.

It was the first period and we were in the middle of our lecture when someone from the student council came into our class asking for help, it was Yukari from the Education department. We weren't necessarily friends but we do talk sometimes and I'm pretty comfortable with her.

"Excuse me, but there's something wrong with the broadcasting equipment and we can't do the morning announcements, can anyone from the mechanical engineering department help?" Yukari asked,

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