Chapter 31: At the hospital?!

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Chapter 31:

Wakasa's POV:

I shouldn't have kissed Tomomi back then at the gym, if I knew she would be this obsessed then I wouldn't have done it.

She offered to give 'us' a shot and that she'll help me get over Shoyo but it ended up backfiring. Well, I guess it was my fault for agreeing to her stupid suggestion.

A week ago, I got drunk at the gym and went on a ranting tirade to Tomomi. I told her that there was this girl I really liked but she was seeing someone else and that she was finally happy.

That I had to give up on her,

That's when she offered that we should try going out, she said she could help me move on. Of course, I didn't want to, I'm not the type to use girls for my own benefit. Every one-night stand I ever had was completely mutual, we agreed that it was completely platonic and there were no feelings involved, it just so happens they end up falling for me. I knew Tomomi was going to end up like those girls, that's why I didn't want to at first.

"You'll learn to like me,"  That was what Tomomi said to me, and I couldn't help but think about it. She has been the most tolerable girl I've been acquainted with so maybe she was right. I might learn to like her and this might actually work but I didn't want to waste my time,

So I made a proposition,

I told her that if I kissed her and I do feel something, then I'll give it a shot. And if there's nothing then we're dropping this conversation,

And so I kissed her, it wasn't surprising to me that I felt nothing.

In fact, it made me realize that I don't want to kiss anyone else but Shoyo,

I didn't want to be with anyone else except Yoshida Sho,

I told Tomomi it wasn't going to work but that's when she went batshit crazy, she started becoming extremely clingy and try to make her move on me.

She even started telling her friends we were together,

Oh my god, she's just as delusional as Shiori,

But she was extremely good at her work and she attracts a lot of clients, plus Shoyo is taken, so might as well tolerate her craziness. She wouldn't take 'no' anyway,

Anyway, the party went on like how it was supposed to. Shin and Benkei were at the bar, trying to hit on girls but failing miserably. Takeomi was making out with one of the hostesses in a dark corner of the bar and as for Shoyo, she was sitting alone in the booth,

She didn't invite Sae-kun? Well, he is still just 18 so I guess it was pointless asking him to come to a bar,

"Waka-kun, let's go somewhere quiet," Tomomi whispered in my ear, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. She's really in denial that I'm not interested in her, how frustrating.

"I'll pass," I deadpanned, she then wrapped her arms around my neck and inched herself closer to me. "You really can't take a hint, can't you?" I asked her as she was trying to slow dance with me,

"Hmmm?" She questioned innocently, she then unexpectedly pulled me into a kiss. That caught me completely off guard,

In the middle of the kiss, I heard the crowd gasp and a few even screamed in shock,

"Yoshida-san, you're bleeding!" One of our members yelled, completely alarmed by the situation. 

I quickly pulled away from Tomomi to see what was going on, all I saw was Shoyo running towards the restrooms,

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