Chapter 32: Not another bad news

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Chapter 32:

I barely got any sleep last night and I'm incredibly exhausted. Well, it was my fault so I can't really complain but I'm so freaking tired, I didn't want to move from my bed.

"Sho, I brought your clothes," Shinichiro cheerfully exclaimed as he entered my room with a paper bag in his hand, 

"It's too early, you're too fucking loud, Shin," I cursed as I hid under my sheets. Shinichiro was kind enough to open the curtains, blinding me with the sunlight. "Bitch," I hissed as he pulled my blanket away, exposing me to the cold air conditioner,

"It's 10 AM, wise guy," Shinichiro teased, "Time to get up, your CT scan is at 11 and I have to be at the airport at 10:15," He informed me,

"Where's Imaushi-san?" I questioned as I groggily sat up from my bed to look for my white-haired roommate, 

"He's downstairs filling up your paperwork, he'll be up in a bit," Shinichiro told me, "Remember, text me the result of your tests, and don't forget to lock up the shop during closing, also if Manjiro asks you for money, don't give him any, I already gave him his allowance, and tell Emma to not overwater the plants,"

"I know, I'm not a kid anymore," I spat back at Shinichiro, "Besides, you'll be gone for 2 weeks, it's not like you're going to die or anything,"

"Yeah, but you're a little dumb so it's best to remind you these things," Shinichiro teased, I thew my pillow at him,

"I have to agree with Shin-chan on that," Wakasa said as he entered the hospital room, "You better get going or you'll miss your flight, I'll drive you,"

"Don't worry about that, Takeomi's taking me, he's at the parking lot right now," Shinichiro said as he grabbed his duffle bag and was ready to head out, "Oh, and no fucking in the shop while I'm gone, I don't need the ghosts of my nieces and nephews running around the shop,"

What the fuck, Shinichiro?!

"We do--," I defensively shot back at him but I was cut off by Wakasa who cheekily responded back to Shinichiro,

"No promises, but don't worry, we can do it at the gym, ain't that right, Shoyo?" Wakasa said proudly with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. I was in complete shock, how can he say that with such confidence? I could feel my cheeks heat up and steam was coming out of my ears.

"Wha-- I-- Don't-- We--" I was not in the right mind to construct a complete sentence, 

"I'll keep her safe while you're out," Wakasa assured Shinichiro before he bid farewell to Waka and I.

Shinichiro is only going to be gone for 2 weeks but I can't help but feel sad I won't get to see him at the shop for the next few days.

"We still have 45 minutes until your CT scan, want to do a fast one?" Wakasa asked as soon as Shinichiro was out the door,

And of course, who am I to say no?


After our little quickie in my hospital room, I started getting ready for my CT scan. Not many preparations are needed though, I was just basically cleaning up because I'm supposed to get discharged after I get my test results.

"Don't you think it's too early to pack up? What if something pops up?" Wakasa asked as he was handing me the accessories I took off last night,

"I'm perfectly healthy, Shinichiro is just being overdramatic," I informed Wakasa, I then noticed the earring that was dangling on his ear, "Too bad the other pair of that earring got lost, we should dispose of it, doesn't mean much if it's by itself,"

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