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Y/n was screaming in the inside of his mind.
While Ran just pulls the underwears down.

"Omg" Y/N covered his eyes.

"Wait until I am done" Ran said seriously while looking at the clothes.

He shows Y/N a small thing.

"I told you" Ran destroyed the eavesdropper with his fingers.

"I am sorry, I didn't know....I am sorry" Y/N bowed.

"Whatever" The purple haired said while looking up and down the other male.

Y/n was getting dressed up again while Ran continues to stare at his body.

'Uhm...just ignore....just ignore" Y/N thought.

Ran dramatically sighed and his hands on his face.
'I am being turned on by a man'

"Something wrong?" Y/n asked while putting his shoes on.

"Nothing, go and report the things to Mikey" Ran dismissed Y/N and the other nodded.

After Y/N left, Ran just sits in the bed thinking.

Meanwhile, Y/N decides to check out Hatsu.
He walks towards her room and knocked. Y/n walks in with her permission.

Hatsu welcomed Y/N with a big hug, she was in silence and didn't want to let him go.

"I am back" Y/N smiled.

"Finally!...I have nothing to do here" Hatsu said still with her face hidden.

"I just wanted to see you, I need to report some things to Mikey" Y/N ruffles her hair.

"Can I go too? I have been in this room since forever" She whined.

"I don't know..." Y/N said.

"Pleaseeeee" Hatsu finally showed her face.

"Alright, but if Mikey shows a move that tells me he is unpleased,  you should go back to your room ok?" Y/N Said carefully.

Hatsu nodded quickly.

They walks out of the room and goes for the elevator.

"What a coincidence~ I have missed you little Y/N" a pink haired man shows up behind them.

Hatsu hides behind Y/N who haven't noticed who was there.

The H/C haired turned around and saw the man's face, by instinct he bows and greets him.

"Greetings Sanzu-Sama" The man said.

Hatsu didn't know what to do, so she just copied Y/N.

"Oof...my back, how can you make almost a perfect 90°..." Hatsu straights her back.

"I have been training, the worst part is the |almost perfect|...I can't do a 90° " Y/N sighed.

"Well...You're a human" Hatsu said and awkwardly smiled.

"I haven't seen you for a long time" Sanzu holds Y/N's shoulders.

"Aham, Sorry Sanzu-Sama...I need to report things to Mikey-San" Y/N stepped back.

"Alright~" Sanzu said.

The pink haired pulls Y/N to the elevator, Hatsu quickly followed.

"By the way, why is she out of her room?" Sanzu said staring at Hatsu with a mischievous smile.

"Are trying to scare me?! I am not afraid of you!" Hatsu raised her voice suddenly.

Y/N disliked her action and stared at her.

"Show respect Hatsu" Y/N turned his head forward.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"I'm in a working position right now, please stay quiet ok?" Y/n whispered.

"Ok" Hatsu said nodding.

"Well well~ what a good person you're Y/N" Sanzu giggled.
"I've almost forgot how cute...I mean, interesting you're"

" Thank you...(?) " Y/N said.

Hatsu was looking at Y/N seriously, she was a little focused on how Y/N acted.

"Workaholic" Hatsu whispered, but hopping Y/N to hear.

Y/N looks at her in the corner of his eyes and moves his gaze forward.
Hatsu thought that she did something wrong and lowered her head.

Y/n poked her head with his finger.

"What" Hatsu raised her head.

Sanzu was watching, he smirks and leans his elbow in Y/n's shoulder.

"What a good guy huh? This doesn't fit Bonten's image little Y/N, you should know that" Sanzu chuckled.

"My apologies..." Y/N straightened his back and cleaned his throat.

"Oh Come on~ where is your bold side? You don't need to act like this in front of me, just be yourself" Sanzu stands infront of Y/N and pushes him to the wall.

'Did he just...Kabedon Y/N!?' Hatsu widened her eyes and covered them, but still watching between fingers.

"Sanzu-Sama, she is still here, this isn't a good place to..." Y/N tries to push him away.

"What? You're a good guy, but I am not and I don't even care if she is watching" Sanzu chuckled, he was having fun teasing Y/N.

Hatsu turned around facing the wall, somehow she felt that she shouldn't be there.

"Don't you like my scars?" Sanzu grabs Y/n hand and guides it to his face.

"I like, but..." Y/N looks away.


"Are you going to let me click the floor I want to go or just stay here and tease me?" Y/n moves his hands away from his.

Crossing his arms and waits for an answer.

"Go on" Sanzu lets Y/N go.

After that, Sanzu continues to tease Y/N.

"Please stop, don't say these things...there is a girl here" Y/N sighed.

"I am alright, it's not like I don't know how people do it" Hatsu stays in the corner.

The elevator finally stopped.

"Well, see you~" Sanzu said waving his hand while the 2 prepared to walk out

When the door opened, Sanzu slapped Y/N's ass.

"Wha-" Y/N quickly turned around.

"Pst" Hatsu points in front.

Ran was there standing.

"Woah, what the" Ran didn't finish his sentence.

"What the fuck did I just saw" Rindou was behind Ran.

"Is that the girl? What is she doing outside of her room" Ran asked, staring at Y/N seriously.

"Bruh, I still can't understand why Mikey didn't order to kill her" Rindou said with an annoyed face.

"Who knows" Ran smiled to his brother with eyes closed and slightly opening it just to look at Y/N surreptitiously.
'Who knows...little devil'

"Aaah, whatever! Let's go, we have work to do" Rindou walks to the elevator.

"Heyy" Sanzu smiles.

"SHut the fuck up" Rindou raised his voice.

"Bo hoo, shUt th3 FuCk uP mimi mimi mi" Sanzu sticks his tongue out .

Ran grabs his tongue and threatened him about cutting the tongue off while Rindou clicks the first floor.

"Let's go" Y/N pats Hatsu's back and she followed him.


-Sorry for any typo!
-Hope you liked it!♡

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