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In the next day, Y/N had work to do with Sanzu.
So they were heading to their destination.

But before they leave the HQ, Mikey called Y/N.

"Y/N, come to my office. Right now" Mikey ordered.

Y/N made a confused expression , not knowing what Mikey wanted.

The man arrived Mikey's office moments later.

"Excuse me" Y/N opens the door.

By his surprise, he found his brother, the oldest twin Akinari L/N.

"Akinari? How did you find this place?" Y/N asked surprised.

His brother Akinari was a caring person and had a gold heart. But he seemed angry.

"I want you to leave Bonten" Akinari said, something was in his head.

"What? Why? Didn't you support me at first?" Y/N kept eye contact with the older.

"I do...But it's difficult" Akinari said.

"I won't allow Y/N to leave" Mikey spoke.

"Is there any reason?" Y/n asked.
He looks around trying to find someone.
"Where is Akinori"

"After what happened to Hideyuki, I think it's better for you to leave this...job" Akinari ignores the question.

"Where is Akinori?" Y/N speaks louder.

"Pack your things, we are going to leave" Akinari said.

"I won't allow it! Y/N! Come here" Mikey ordered.

Y/N listened and walks to Mikey.
In the middle, Akinari grabs Y/N's arm.

"Stop! We are leaving!" It was rare for Akinari to yell, Y/N was confused.

"Did something happen?" Y/N asks again just to be hit by the silence.
"Where is Akinori! He is always around you"

"I don't want to hear about him! And I am the one who's always around him! And I am sick of it" Akinari snaps.

"Y/N is staying with Bonten. End of discussion" Mikey said making Akinari stare at him.

"You have no right to tell me what to do. I am so tired of all mafia things!" Akinari leaves taking Y/N with him.

Y/N gives Mikey a glance.
"I will be back, wait for me"

Mikey heard it, he nodded and sat down with a sigh.

Akinari was taking Y/N to his apartment.

"Didn't you say to pack my things?" Y/n asked.

"I will go back and take them later" Akinari gets in his car.

"Can you tell me at least what happened? Between...you and...him?" Y/n sat at the back.

"I can't take his childish actions anymore. He has gone too far this time" Akinari said annoyed.

"What did he do this time? He's done a lot of weird things and you could tolerate those things." Y/N akwardly smiles.

"That guy...after hearing about Hideyuki's death and Ryku's arrest...he joined some kind of mafia.... I can't take it anymore, why can't we just be a normal family" Akinari said with anger but also tears close to fall.

"Why?" Y/N tries to get the information.

"I don't know! He doesn't even think about explaining his actions! What am I supposed to do? I can't support my brother ruining his life anymore! I should've been more strict.....I ended up spoiling a brat" Akinari cried out.

Y/N was speechless, even tho he knew that Akinori, the younger twin doesn't think that much when doing stuff. He knows that Akinori wouldn't make anything that makes his older twin upset.

"I am sure he doesn't mean it at all, maybe he is just messing around....like always" Y/N tries to calm his brother down.
While he was reporting everything to Mikey using his phone.

"[Try asking him about the mafia]" Was one of Mikey's message.

"He didn't mean it? Oh sure he did! That...fucker dares to point a gun at his own brother" Akinari's statement shocked Y/N down to the bones.

"Are you joking?...and you cursed" Y/N was worried that their relation was going to get worse.

"Do I look like....ha...." Akinari just sighed.
"I am sorry for cursing..."

"Do you know anything about the supposed mafia that Akinori joined?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know, but it's ruled by a old woman" Akinari arrived his apartment and now they were in the living room.

"Ok, but first of all. I am not leaving Bonten" Y/N said firmly.
"I am not leaving"

"Don't say none sense now...don't you like everything perfect? What a perfect family we could be if non of us joined the illegal stuff!" Akinari said.

"I am not LEAVING BONTEN!" Y/N yelled.
"A perfect family?...but I can't change that anymore and I never could. I can't control people, I can't change people"

"If you stay there with those criminals, you will end up like Hideyuki or Ryku! I can't let it happen" Akinari holds his own hands tightly and sat down on the sofa.

"I like staying with Bonten...Even tho they aren't perfect human beings, I like staying there." Y/N sat down too.

"...ok...." Akinari sighed tired.
"You can leave"

Y/N stood up and gave his brother a hug.
"I am going to work..."

"Be careful..." Akinari smiled.

Back in Bonten, Y/N goes back to Mikey and report the things.

"Y/N, come closer" Mikey said and he did.

The white haired made the man sit on his lap while checking on the computers.

"You found something?" Y/N asks.

"Yup, that new little gang is really ruled by a old woman" Mikey puts one hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"I will go back to Sanzu, he must be pissed off by now" Y/N remembered his work with the pink haired.

"Wait" Mikey stops the man by grabbing his hand.

The white haired stands up and pulls Y/N's head lower to kiss him.

"Goodluck" Mikey said.

"Oh...I-I will" Y/N felt his body heating up slowly and walks away.

Y/N meets Sanzu waiting outside his car.

"What the hell? Why did you take so long?" Sanzu frown.

"I was fucking Mikey" Y/N gets in the car.

"Oh, ok.....WHAT" Sanzu realized what Y/N just said and yells.

"Just joking" Y/N smiles.

"But you wish you weren't huh?" Sanzu calms down and gets in the car.

"Yeah" Y/N says making Sanzu turn his head back quickly with a judging glance.

"You better stop" He rolls his eyes and starts to drive.


-Hope you liked it!-
-Sorry for any typo!!-

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