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"Pfft, hahahahahah" Y/N laughs after the man left.
"Did you see his face!?"

"Are you happy now?" Koko smiled and Y/N sat at the couch again.

"For sure! That fucker dares to call me a whore" Y/N took a new bottle of wine and poured a half cup, then he took a sip.

"You will have to act like one now till the end you know that?" Koko was stroking Y/N's face.

Y/N grabs Koko's neck and made their lips to touch, Y/N had wine in his mouth and proceeded to transfer to Koko's mouth.
Koko didn't understand at first, but then the man came back.

"You're interrupting" Y/N stared at the man who just arrived.

'This little...' Koko wipes the wine that was sliding down from the corner of his lips with a smirk.

"I apologize....here, the money" The man gave it to Koko.

Koko took a look at the money and nodded.

"I am happy for your cooperation" Koko said standing up.

"Oh, sure! How about you two stay a little longer? Just to enjoy time..." The man said.

"Are you kidding me? We hav-...He has more things to do" Y/N crossed his arm.

"Like what? You?" The man said in a low voice, but Y/N heard it.

'Fucking bitch' Y/N thought.
"At least you know" He gave the man a smile.

Y/N grabs Koko's arm and walks away, then people stood around them.

"My gun disappeared" Koko whispered to Y/N's ear.

Y/N looks at him with a surprised face.

"Let's stay a little more" Koko said and the people focused on what they were doing.

"What are we going to do?" Koko asked Y/N

"I think we should avoid that man first" Y/N said.

"Leave it to me" Koko smiled.

"Sooo, let's have a small talk!" The man walks to them.

"Not now, I've got things to do" Koko grabs Y/N's wrist and went to the toilets.

Y/N understood, he gave a smug face to the man.

Koko got inside a stall.

"So, We're going stay here for a long time?boring" Y/N sighed.

"You want to do something?" Koko asked smirking.

"...oh" Y/N giggled "you were thinking about this the whole time?"

"I was" Koko gave Y/N a little kiss.

"I wonder, when did I make you hard like this?"  Y/N teased Koko by leaning closer.

"I was like this since we were in the car" Koko slides his hands inside Y/N's pants.

"That's why you were so quiet" Y/N smiled.

"Shall we?" Koko lifts Y/N's clothes.

"Go ahead"

"God damn...the wine earlier is driving me crazy" Koko said hitting his head.

"Is it the wine or me?" Y/N kissed Koko.

"You're dangerous"

"Correction, I am perfect" Y/N smiled while kissing him.
After that, they finished the business and left the stall.

"Shit...." Y/N was tired.

The man before wasn't there anymore.
They can leave the place now.

"I bet Kakucho will be crazy if he knew about this" Koko said.

They left the place and got inside the car. Now heading back to their place.

Y/N took his phone that was in the car just to see a lots of missed calls from a random number.

"was it from Hideyuki? " Koko noticed too.


"Well, if it was, how are you going to explain that you were fucking with me while he tries to contact you?" Koko slightly laughed.

"Well, thankfully it isn't his number" Y/N rolled his eyes.

He called the number back and the other person answered it quickly.

"Hello?" Y/N asked

"....." the other person didn't answer.


"Y/n! Help me" the phone call ended.

"What the hell" Koko heard.

"That was my brother!" Y/N said scared and confused at the same time.
"We need to go pack fast!"

After arriving their places, Y/N was thinking about were Hideyuki was.
The others were at the living room, while Y/N was at his bedroom walking around.

Suddenly the number earlier called back.
He answered it quickly.

"Hideyuki!? Are you there!?" Y/N asked with his hands sweating.

"He is at *** Factory, come here alone if you want him back alive" A woman's voice said.

"Sakura you bitch" Y/N recognized the voice.

"Aww, that's mean" Sakura laughs
"Let me allow you a talk with your precious brother"

"Y/N! Don't come for my rescue!" Hideyuki said.
"It's clearly a trap, I know you're aware of it...aren't you?"

"I am..."

"Be a good boy and stay inside your room" The phone call ended.

Y/N was pissed off, he wanted to kill the people who messed with his brother.

"How can I stay quiet after you're close to death" Y/N went to find his weapons.

Then another phone call.

"What now"

"Come at the place, alone, in the midnight" Now another voice said it and Y/N knew it was Elijah.

"I am surprised you're still alive next to that traitor" Y/N said, but he hang up.

Y/N waited till an hour before midnight in his room, thinking every possible way to kill Sakura and Elijah.

The man walks downstairs and found the Haitani brother talking in the living room.

"I am leaving for a little" Y/N said opening the door.

"Want us to go too?" Rindou asked.

"No" Y/N left.

The brothers gave each other a glance.

Y/N didn't have a car, while walking in the streets, someone stopped next to him.

"Hi cutie, want a ride?" The man inside the car asked Y/N.

Y/N thinks for a bit and smiles.

"Of course" Y/N smiled and the other man opened the door.

"What are you doing late at night? " The man asked, touching Y/N's legs as soon as he sat down.

"You wouldn't like to know" Y/N smirked.

"Oh, don't be scared! Are you afraid that I am going to kill you?" The man chuckled.

"Hah, you? I just need your car bro" Y/N took his gun out and points at the man.
"Get out of the car"

The man did what he said.

"This can be a lesson, don't try to hit on  strangers in the middle of the night, you might end up dead" Y/N killed the man after he got out.


Hope you liked it!
I apologize for any typo!

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