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He arrived to the place Sakura told him to go.
Y/N was looking around for Hideyuki, but he was nowhere.
Someone shoot a bullet next to his foot, he looks up and saw a pink haired woman standing in a platform with old, half broken handrail.

Y/N found the stairs and ran up.

"Let my brother go" Y/N points the guns at the woman, but lowered it after seeing more people with guns in his brother's head.

"Why did you come here? I told you not to" Hideyuki was tied and had injuries that could be noticed in his face and neck.

"Should have listened to big brother?" Elijah talks behind Y/N's ear.

"Let him go" Y/N said.

"For what?" Elijah had his gun pressed against Y/N's back.

"Let him leave and kill me instead" Y/N said.

"Are you crazy?" Hideyuki was worried about what you were saying.

Y/N gave him a quick glance and he became quiet.

"Drop the weapon" Elijah said and the man did it.

"What will you do in order to let him go" Y/N puts his hands up.

"I will let him be free after you die" Elijah giggled.

"You want me to believe that?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"He leaves and then you kill me"

"I don't think we have a deal" Elijah holds the gun tightly.

"...." Y/N closed his eyes, trying to think.
"Then, let's make another type of deal"

Y/N slowly turns around, still with his arms up, he smiles at the man threatening his life and let his arms rest around Elijah's neck.

"...."The man was confused, but it made him put his guard down for a second seeing Y/N that close up.

Y/N took advantage and twisted Elijah's wrist. Grabbing the gun from his hands, changing the positions and now he was the one pointing the weapon at him.

"Nobody moves" Y/N locks one arm around the man's neck and the other holding the gun.

"Put the guns down" He stares at Sakura.

The woman lowers herself while giving the other mans a glance to put their's down too.

"Untie him" He demanded.
"Any unnecessary move and I will kill you before everyone"

Sakura knew that Y/N was going to kill her anyways. She knows that Y/N hates her. She knows that whatever she does related to him was going to kill her.

The woman goes and slowly unties the man's brother and watches him slowly stand up.

She goes up against Hideyuki and tries to push the man. The handrail was old and weak, it broke easily.

For Y/N everything goes to slow mode for few seconds. He quickly pulled the trigger and killed the woman. Then pushed Elijah away to try and rescue his brother.

He caught Hideyuki, but only his hand.
Now everything he was afraid was his brother falling down.

"You're sweating" Hideyuki said felling the sweat in Y/N's hands.

"No no no no" Y/N puts the gun on the side and used the both hands to pull his brother up, but Hideyuki was not allowing it.

"I do like to see who is going to save the moment now" Elijah took the gun back.

They were so focused on their business that no one noticed two people walking up the stairs.

Suddenly Elijah's mans were dead, someone shoot them.

"Haitani" Elijah freaked out.

"We saw on the news a murdered, it happened after you left so we decided to follow you" Ran said it to Y/N, but the man wasn't listening to them.

Elijah also felt that he couldn't survive that situation anymore.
The tables have turned too fast.

The last thing he did was to disturb Y/N, he tries to push him away from the edge of the platform they were, making him slide his hands and now only holding Hideyuki's fingers.

"NO!" Y/N yelled.

Rindou heard and killed Elijah using his gun.

"My hands are sweating" Y/N panicked because it was sliding.

"Y/N...." Hideyuki smiled.
"I didn't want to live anyways"

"What are you talking about" Y/N holds tightly.
"Come here and help me!"

The Haitani brothers were rushing to grab Hideyuki's arm.

"Don't" Hideyuki said.
"I know I said to you that I won't leave you...but I think...."

"You want to leave me? Is that it?" Y/N said it annoyed with tears in his eyes.

"I think I lost" Hideyuki grabs Y/N's wrist, but the other still doesn't let him go.


"the temptation to kill myself" Hideyuki chuckled.

"This isn't funny" Y/N still tries to pull him up, but Hideyuki hat his other hand on the edge of the platform avoiding Y/N to save him.

"I am sorry"

Hideyuki forced Y/N to let his hand go and starts falling down.

"I am the worst brother ever" He said felling Y/N's tears falling along with him.
'The worst one ever....leaving you because of my own incompetence...if only I could hold the wish for death longer....'

"I am sorry" Hideyuki finally bursts into tears when he heard Y/N screaming his name.

The white haired hit the ground and blood was everywhere it could reach.

"BROTHER!" Y/N was being held by the Haitani Brothers, they were trying to prevent Y/N to go after Hideyuki and jump with him earlier.

"We should go" Rindou said.

Y/N freed himself from their hands and runs down the stairs.

The first thing he does is hug the dead body of Hideyuki.
Crying his heart out after remembering the moments they shared before the separation of the family.

"We need to leave him here" Rindou said.

"I am not going to"

"We can't do anything now, he is dead" Ran said.
"No one is going to find his body"

Y/N was shocked by the words, he stood up and slapped Ran in the face.

"How can you say that? After someone losing his brother?" Y/N looked at Ran with anger.

"...My apologies" Ran scratches his neck.
"Let's leave and then call the police to this place, at least he will be staying in a better place than this cold factory"


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

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