19. Had

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Dedicated to gayboyharry (Brii) cause goddamn, 'Tumblr Model' and 'Skype' got me feeling some type of way.

Also, I watched Curse Of The Black Pearl while writing this ayyyy.



The next morning, I awoke to find a bright eyed Vera sitting alone on the shore.

She wore a red sweater and denim shorts. Her ombre hair flew about in the salty breeze. Her long legs were sprawled out in front of her, and the water sloshed over her feet.

I smiled and plopped down in the sand beside her.

She looked up and grinned. "We always seem to be the first ones up Lukey."

I nodded, not minding the nickname.

She leaned on me and I threw my arm around her shoulders. My tongue darted out to play with my lip ring.

"You know, I've been thinking..." Vera started. I waited for her to continue and watched as the waves rolled upon the shore, soaking our feet. There was some rustling sounds coming from the tent but ignored it.

"And I wanna go home."

I ripped my gaze away from the water to face her, my eyes widening. "What, why!?" I asked, surprised.

"I want to see my parents. I have to...I have to apologize and make things right with them."


"What do you mean?" I was beyond confused. Vera never really talked about her parents and they didn't seem to have a good relationship.

Vera took a deep breath, wringing her hands out.

"About a year and a half ago, I was in a car accident."

My eyes widened and I gasped quietly. Vera looked at me and my heart clenched at the fading light in her eyes.

"I came out unharmed except for a few bruises and a concussion. But...but my brother was in the car."

What, Vera has a brother?

"He didn't make it. He was killed instantly. He was only seven."

Oh, had.

I wrapped my other arm around her as her eyes started to water. She quickly wiped at them.

"It's my fault, I was driving! When I woke up in the hospital, they told me Carter was dead and I freaked out. My, my parents couldn't look at me."

Her eyes welled up again and this time, she didn't wipe them.

"When they discharged me, I went home and locked myself in my room and I didn't attend the funeral. I couldn't h-handle the guilt so I ran."

The tears fell down her flushed cheeks. I tightened my grip on her and let her soak my shirt. I was speechless. How could she possibly believe the death of her younger brother was her fault? Surely it wasn't.

I sighed.

"Vera, how...how is it your fault?"

"He wasn't even supposed to be in the car that day! But I let him come with me." Vera cried putting her face in her hands.

"It's okay babe." I heard Michael say behind me.

I didn't even hear him come out of the tent.

I looked at him. He stood a few feet away from us, looking heartbroken. Behind him, the tent was unzipped and I could see Calum and Ashton looking out with wide eyes and sympathetic faces.

I guess they heard the whole thing.

Vera looked up at Michael. She shook her head, and I could see her eyes were sad and empty.

"No Mikey, it's not okay."

Mike didn't say anything, just came towards us and knelt down in the sand on his knees. He was still in his pajama pants. He scooped Vera up into his arms and buried his face in her hair. Vera hid hers in his neck and quiet sobs wracked her body.

Nobody said a word.

Now we knew why Vera was in Australia. She was trying to runaway from the guilt. It must've caught up to her if she wanted to go home.

I couldn't help it but one word kept repeating in my head.


Vera had a brother.


Shit. I wasn't gonna reveal Vera's past until chapter 20 but I started writing this chapter and it was supposed to be happy and funny but now it's sad, oh man. Also, I'm sick and I still updated so love me.

Gina probably wants to hit me.

Comments?? Please and thank you :)


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