11. New York

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Vera's POV continued...

Only four hours left.

The boys and I took to sleeping and watching movies. I was currently listening to The Flood by Escape The Fate. The boys were all sleeping. Jason and Carlos were also asleep.

Michael's head was resting in my lap. Every few minutes, I'd lightly run my fingers through his red locks. I had a nap earlier but it didn't last long. I was restless. I just wanted to be I'm New York touring with my best friends. I had waited years for this.

As the song ended Michael woke up. He stretched a little and sat up. "Hey sleepyhead. You're hair is a mess." I giggled. Michael gave me a tired smile, then stood up and headed for the restroom.

When he came back, he put his arm around me. I cuddled into him. We sat silently for a few minutes. Then Michael turned to me.

"Vera?" he asked hesitantly. I looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Um, you've never talked about your parents." My breath caught in my throat. I broke eye contact and looked out the window. "Vera, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry." Michael tried to apologize but I stopped him. "No, Mikey it's okay. It's fine." I sighed. "I just don't get along with them and I haven't spoken to them in over a year. That's why I don't talk about them."

Lies. I mentally slapped myself.

"Oh." Was all he could say. An awkward silence followed and I wanted it to go away. "Hey why don't we watch a movie. You pick this time." I suggested, smiling.

Michael nodded, opening his laptop. He grinned. "Let's watch The Fault In Our Stars, okay?" I laughed. What a dork. "Okay." I agreed.

*Five hours later*

"We're free!" Ashton yelled obnoxiously as we came out of the airbridge.

The rest of us laughed, trailing behind him.

We went through customs, and claimed our luggage. We were heading out of the airport to our rental SUV when we heard a scream. Three teenage girls came out of nowhere and ran up to us.

Michael grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together.

Jason and Carlos stepped in front of the boys but Ashton waved them off. "Guys it's okay. Hey girls, how are you?" A chorus of responses came from the three girls. "Can we get pictures with you?" The black haired girl asked excitedly. "Yeah of course!" Luke said cheerfully.

The boys then stood with each of the girls, taking selfies. I volunteered to be the photographer and take the group photo. The blonde girl, Kelly I think her name was, asked me who I was. Ashton spoke before I could even process the question. "This is Vera, she's a really good friend of ours and she's joining us on tour."

"Oh, hi." was Kelly's response. I waved, smiling politely.

After a few questions and signing autographs, we said goodbye and headed to the rental. We stuffed our luggage into the back and piled in, Carlos hopping in the driver's seat.

It was nearing nightime, and the city lights were bright and beautiful. I stared out the window from the backseat in awe. I sighed in content.

"Oh my god. I made it. I'm finally here." I whispered to myself but it was loud enough for everyone else to hear. I felt a hand on my knee. I turned to face Michael. I mouthed thank you. He just smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Not what you expected, huh?" Ashton asked, a knowing smile on his adorable face. I shook my head. "No Ash, it's so much more. I'm glad I'm here with you guys instead of my parents." I said not even caring that I mentioned them.

Michael squeezed my knee and the boys just smiled at me.

"Welcome to New York Vera."

Ashton's POV

It was cute watching Vera get all excited and sentimental.

She mentioned her parents, which surprised me a little bit cause she never talked about them.

We arrived at the hotel, and Jason went to check us in. He passed out room keys to all of us and we took the elevator to the ninth floor.

To save money and essentially just be more efficient, we decided to room together. Luke was sharing with Calum, and I was sharing with Michael and Vera. Jason and Carlos each had separate rooms though.

"I'm hungry, let's order something!" Michael yelled once we set our bags down in our double room. Vera laughed. "You're always hungry. Pizza?" she asked picking up the hotel phone. "Cheese pleeeease!"

"I'll text Cal and Luke." I said grabbing my phone.

Thirty second later, a knock on the door sounded. I opened it, revealing a tired looking Calum and smiley Luke. "Pizza party!" Michael yelled, jumping on the bed.

Since there were three of us rooming together, we had a big spacious room. Two double beds, a couch and a coffee table. Calum plopped himself on the couch yawning loudly, while Luke sat on the other bed, avoiding being jumped on. I joined Luke on the bed, laying back against the headboard.

We chilled out for about fifteen minutes before there was a knock on the door.

Vera jumped up from her spot beside Luke. "I'll get it." she said, but Michael beat her to it.

He opened the door to find a hotel employee holding a large box and a bag containing our drinks. Michael thanked the man and took the box while Vera tipped the man and took the bag.

"I'd like to propose a toast!" Michael shouted standing in the middle of the room. "Here's to what's gonna be an amazing tour. We're gonna rock out for the next month!"

We raised our Cokes and took a sip. It was super cheesy but no one really cared. We were just happy to be living the dream in the big city.

Everyone could feel it, it was gonna be a good tour.


OMG, I STARTED WRITING AND I COULDN'T STOP. I reread it twice and it feels a bit rushed but I still like it.

I hung out with the squad for six hours today and it was awesome. We watched both Insidious movies and I am now currently watching Law & Order SVU. Holla if you love that show as much as I do! :)))

Please vote and comment, IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME! #commentsforcookies


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