5. Stay The Night

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Enjoy. I wrote half of this at 2AM.


Vera's POV

I don't know why I told Michael my real name.

Usually, when asked, my fake name just rolls off my tongue. But for some reason, here in Australia, in Michael Clifford's bedroom, I felt an irresistible urge to tell the truth.

For once in my recent life, it felt good to be honest. I wasn't lying to prevent hurting someone. And I definitely wasn't lying to myself.

I was surprised when Michael offered me a place to stay for the night. I thought maybe he'd call a cab or even drive me back himself. As weird as the situation was already, I accepted.

"Before I forget, what is that?" Michael pointed to my rolled up dress. I unraveled it and held it up. He examined it from his sitting position on his bed. It had dried mud on it.

"What happened, if you don't mind my asking?" he asked curiously. He deserved an answer. The least I could do for breaking into his home and stealing his clothes.

"I, uh, went for a walk. I wanted to explore the city but then I got lost. I ended up accidentally running into this guy on the street. He...he grabbed me. He kissed me and I spit in his face. He slapped me and tried to grope me. He pulled me into a nearby ally and pushed me to the ground and then up against a wall. I kneed him in the crotch and ran."

I looked at Michael to see his expression. A mixed look of disgust and horror was plastered on his face.

"I saw the door open and broke into the closest apartment, yours, and I took a shower and put some clean clothes on. I wasn't expecting to be walked in on. I was going to leave when I was done."

I forced myself not to cry right then. I had never been so scared in my life.

Michael stood up and pulled me into a warm hug. I hesitated but wrapped my arms around him. He lowered his head onto my shoulder. "Vera, I'm sorry that you had to experience that. It must've been awful." His voice was low and full of sympathy. "I'm fine now, thank you Michael."

After our hug, Michael decided we should tell the rest of the band.


Third Person POV

About ten minutes later, 3/4 of 5sos we're sat on the couch, confused.Michael stood infront of them.

"Vera, you can come out now." he signaled for her to enter the room.

When she did, the three confused boys gasped. "Mike, what is going on?" Calum asked, looking between the girl and his bandmate.

"Um, well basically, Vera was in trouble and she broke into our apartment to be safe. I'm not going into detail cause it's not my place to tell. She's staying here tonight, so yeah."

Oddly enough, they nodded, like they accepted it.

Luke cleared his throat. His tongue darted out to poke at his lip ring. Vera watched him, interested in his thoughts. "So, uh...what happened?" He asked, looking at Vera.

She looked at Calum and Ashton, and then directly into Luke's eyes. "I was lost and I ran into this creepy guy. He kinda attacked me but I got away and that's how I ended up here." She looked back at the drummer and bassist, an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry, for breaking in."

Ashton spoke up. "I'm sorry Vera, that must've been terrible for you. As crazy as it is, I'm fine with you staying the night." He got up from his spot on the couch and pulled her into a soft hug.

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