28. Hot

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Cristina please stop. Hahaha no. Okay I'm done being weird, enjoy.

Dedicated to lukehemisphere cause Jersey Number 24 was fucking amazing like damn so many feels. ♡


"Heyyyyyyyy young blood! Doesn't it feel like our time is running out!?"

Vera shouted two hours before the boys' next show. They were currently in Toronto. Vera and Luke were dicking around on stage while the boys and Sara watched from the front row on the floor.

"I'm gonna change you like a remix, then I'll raise you like a phoenix!"

They had just finished soundcheck and Vera had started singing Fall Out Boy. Luke had joined her and they were belting out the lyrics to The Phoenix.

The two were holding hands spinning and jumping around. Suddenly they slid across the stage on their knees.


They collapsed in a heap on the stage laughing and breathing heavily. Sara and the boys clapped. "Oh man, that was fun." Vera exclaimed jumping off the stage and sitting on Michael's lap. He chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"That was great Ver. You know what you should do? Open for us for the rest of the tour!" Michael suggested grinning and squeezed Vera's waist.

"I'd vote for it." Calum said and Luke nodded in agreement. Sara's eyes widened. "Oh my god Vera DO IT!" She said shouting the last part.

Ashton's face scrunched into a thoughtful look. "Yeah pup, you should. You're an amazing singer. Imagine if you got signed. Then we could write songs and tour together forever." He pointed out, smiling.

"Are you guys serious? You're the famous ones, I'm just a speck. Do you really want me opening for you?" Vera asked looking into five pairs of excited eyes, her own eyebrows raised.

"Yes!" "Pleeeeease?" "Vera I swear to god, if you don't do this, I'm gonna cut you." Three pairs of voices chimed all at once. But the serious glint in Sara's eyes as she threatened her talented friend made Vera decide. She sighed and grinned.

"Okay. I'll do it."

Michael hugged her waist tightly and stood up from his seat, spinning the ombre haired girl around while everyone else cheered.

Vera giggled and hit Michael's shoulder. "Put me down you idiot." The boy loosened his grip slightly and Vera slid through his arms until her feet touched the ground. Then she put her arms around Michael's neck and pulled him in for a quick but sweet kiss.

"But I'm your idiot." Michael stated.

"Yes you are, now come on, Vera needs to get ready. We only have two hours." Ashton huffed and pulled the two apart.


"Good evening Toronto! My name is Vera Falls and I'm going to be opening for 5 Seconds of Summer tonight."

Vera's introduction was nearly drowned out by screaming fans.

She was so nervous they wouldn't like her but she was excited to be doing something she loved. She adjusted her guitar strap and started strumming.

"Before I begin, I would like to thank the five sauce boys for giving me this wonderful opportunity. And Sara for threatening to kick my ass if I didn't do it. I'm truly grateful and I love you guys." Vera's speech was met with screams of encouragement and acceptance.

As her random strumming changed into the song, Vera smiled at the crowd. "I used to be in love with Avril Lavigne and this is one of my favourite songs from her. It's called Hot."

"Ahhhh, you're so good to me baby, baby."

Screams echoed around the venue as Vera sang.

"I wanna lock you up in my closest, and when no one's around. I wanna put your hand in my pocket because you're allowed."

Vera looked towards the little alcove that led backstage and saw Michael standing there and tried not to swoon at how hot he looked tonight.

"Now you're in and can't get out!"

He wore the signature black skin tight jeans, boots, and a red and black Ozzy Ozbourne shirt. It was her favourite shirt on him. And maybe there was a hurricane of butterflies in her stomach when she looked a him. But nobody had to know that.

"You make me so hot, you make me wanna drop, you're so ridiculous, I can barely stop! I can hardly breathe, you make me wanna scream! You're so fabulous, you're so good to me baby, baby!"

Michael looked at the girl on stage, singing. He noticed the song and what it was about. He knew she was singing about love and lust. And maybe he tugged at the collar of his shirt cause he felt a little hot. And maybe there was a slight rise in his jeans at the way Vera looked singing in his shirt. But nobody had to know that.

She wore his Jack Daniels shirt like a dress so her long tanned legs were on display. She threw a leather jacket over top and on her feet were her signature blackout Converse. To Michael, she was breathtaking.

"Kiss me gently, always I know. Hold me, love me, don't ever gooooo! Yeah!"

Vera's eyes closed as she sang the bridge and Michael closed his eyes, taking in his girlfriend's voice and the feeling it gave him.

"You make me so hot, you make me wanna drop, you're so ridiculous, I can barely stop! I can hardly breathe, you make me wanna scream! You're so fabulous, you're so good to me baby, baby!"

"You're so good."


I used to be a big fan of Avril Lavigne when I was like 10. Hot is one of my fave songs from her. Also The Phoenix is what really got me into FOB aside from America's Suitehearts.

Thoughts? Comments? Tell me what ya think and I'll bake a cake. :)


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