12. Sing

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"I'm so sick of waiting 'til I'm eighteeeeeen."

Luke laughed as the song finished. Then, all you could hear was the deafening screams of the audience.

"That's all the time we've got New York, we love you guys!" Ashton shouted, standing up from his stool.

"We have another show tomorrow night, we can't wait to play for you again!" Michael also shouted into the mic, his guitar hanging across his back as Ashton joined the three boys at the front of the stage.

"We're 5 Seconds Of Summer, goodnight." Luke said and the four boys bowed and walked off stage, the crowd erupting into screams again.

I squealed like a fangirl when the boys appeared backstage. "Oh my god, that was amazing!" I gushed, giving each of the boys a hug. I didn't care that they were hot and sweaty, I was just so happy for them. They laughed and thanked me.

Luke threw his arm around me, guiding me towards their dressing room. "So, which song was your favourite?" he asked excitedly. I chuckled. "I can't even pick. They're all so good. I did really like Good Girls though." I replied grinning.

Luke smiled cheekily. "Are you a good girl Vera?" he asked with a wink.

I smirked. "I wasn't a straight A student and I hated French." "That doesn't answer my question." "You'll never know." I replied sassily, walking into the dressing room and flopping on the couch.

Luke pouted but grabbed a towel and headed for the showers with the boys. As I waited for them, I fiddled with my phone.

Ten minutes later, the door opened to reveal four attractive boys with towels around their waists. I looked away, blushing uncontrollably. I realized tons of girls would kill to be in my place at that moment.

"Um, I'm gonna head to the Green Room." I excused myself quickly and walked out into the hallway. I took a deep breath. I made my way to the Green Room, where the meet and greet was taking place. A dozen lucky fans with VIP passes would get to take a picture and talk with the boys. They would also receive a specially signed copy of the boys' album.

When I arrived, Jason and a security guard stood outside the room, talking. Though Jason knew who I was, I still showed the two men my exclusive VIP pass.

They let me in the room and I found it to be empty. It looked like a lounge you'd see in a club when you have a private party with bottle service. There was a large window on the wall opposite of the door. The drapes were pulled back to showcase the beautiful city, twinkling lights and all.

I picked up one of the acoustic guitars sitting in the corner and sat down in an leather arm chair. I arranged my fingers and strummed for a few minutes. My playing was rusty but it didn't sound too bad. I finally picked up a tune and the lyrics to Social Casualty popped into my head.

I hummed a little bit before the sound came out of my mouth. I was even surprised at myself.

"So save me, from who I'm supposed to be. Don't wanna be a victim of authority, I'll always be apart of the minority. Save me, from who I'm supposed to be. So tell me, tell me, tell me what you want from me. I don't wanna be another social casualty."

I sang the la da da's and continued strumming a little bit.

"You have a great voice." I gasped when I heard her voice, my fingers slipping from the strings. I stood up from my seat and turned to see a girl my age, with long blonde hair, smiling shyly. I was shocked but I recovered quickly.

"Oh, thank you. I wasn't expecting anyone to hear that." I replied nervously. The girl stepped forward and I noticed she had blue eyes and freckles. She was quite pretty. "I'm Sara." she introduced herself, holding out a hand. I shook it politely, smiling. "Vera."

Runaway 》Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now