30. Oblivion

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Sorry not sorry. ☻
Song of the chapter: Oblivion by Bastille.


Vera's POV

The tour was ending soon.

The last month and a half had been the best time of my life. Despite my homesickness, I wish it wouldn't end.

I knew I'd have to go back to regular life after the tour. Get a job, my own place and be normal again.

I had no idea what I'd do with my wonderful boyfriend and my strange friends but I figured it would all work out.

"Baaaabe, hellooooo?" I was broken from my thoughts and turned to see a sweaty Michael smiling at me. God I loved his smile.

"Sorry, got lost for a minute. You guys were amazing, as usual." I said kissing his cheek as he wrapped an arm around my waist, squeezing lightly.

"Okay go shower you dirty boys and then we'll have a movie night. I'm ordering pizza." Sara exclaimed as she kept pushing Ashton away with her hand. He was dripping in sweat and kept trying to kiss her. "Ew Ash, you're literally a blob of gross. I'm not kissing you until you shower."

I chuckled at the couple. Yes, they were officially a couple. Ashton had asked her out the night my duet with Michael leaked.

"Ugh fine, I don't wanna kiss you anyway. Meanie." Ashton pouted and walked towards the dressing room.

"Hygiene isn't mean Ashton, it's sexy!" Sara shouted after him and rolled her eyes, but I saw her bite her lip to hide a smile.

I laughed. "Dude, chill. Let's go back to the bus." I said, grabbing Sara's arm. Jason escorted us back to the bus and made sure we were safe before leaving to get the boys.

While Sara was ordering pizza, I picked out a few movies on Netflix. I decided on Prince of Egypt, Spy and Evil Dead.

"We're baaaaaack!" Luke yelled as he hopped on the bus, hair damp and messy.

"Where's the pizza! I need it!" Michael yelled and Sara threw a pillow at him.

"Michael you are yelling." She said throwing a pillow at him.

"Mikey chill, she literally just ordered it. Now sit your ass down and cuddle with me."

"Yes ma'am." Michael said, smiling and sitting down and pulling me in his lap. "Ew don't call me that. I'm not a thirty year old boss woman." I said scrunching my eyebrows together. "M'just teasing babe." Michael kissed my cheek.

A knock on the bus door confirmed our pizza was here. That was fast.

"Hot and Ready guys. Have fun." Carlos said as he handed the pizza to Ashton. Ashton thanked him and plopped on the couch.

I grabbed the Wii remote and clicked on Prince Of Egypt as everyone grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Ah memories." I said and everyone laughed as the opening song started.

"And deliver us to the promised laaaand." I sang in a deep voice and I felt Michael's chest rumble as he laughed quietly at my antics.

A little over halfway through the movie and a third slice of pizza, I felt myself getting tired. Calum and Sara had fallen asleep.

As I watched Moses turn the Nile red with blood, I felt my eyes drooping.


"Vera, sweetheart, wake up."

A hand shaking my shoulder woke me from my sleep.

Even with my eyes closed, it seemed unusually bright. I opened one eye and squinted, only to find myself in an unfamiliar room.

I opened both eyes widely and stared at the woman wearing white scrubs.

"Who are you?" I asked nervously.

"Vera, you're finally awake. I'm Jenny and I'm a nurse here." The blonde haired woman smiled and I saw she looked a lot like Sara. She could pass as her mother.

"Where is here exactly?" I asked looking around the bright white room. It looked like a hospital room and smelled like cleaning products.

"Carlyle Mental Facility. You've been here for the past year. Very intense hallucinations since the car accident."

"What are you talking about? What car accident?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to sort through my confusion. "Oh my god. Was I in another car accident. Were any of the boys with me? Are they hurt? What about Sara? Oh my god, is Michael okay?"

"Oh sweetie. I'm sorry to tell you but..."

No, I didn't want those words to come out of her mouth. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to my friends.

"Michael isn't real." Jenny said, and she looked at me with pity. "None of the boys are."

"W-what? Yes they are. I toured with them. We're best friends. They're in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer?" The last part came out like a question and suddenly I was questioning whether or not this was a dream.

Jenny sat down and put a hand on mine and sighed.

"You were in a car accident with your brother who died and when you woke up in the hospital, you had a breakdown and tried to kill yourself. You were sedated and sent here. When you woke up, you starting talking to people who weren't there. At first we thought you were speaking to a hallucination of your brother but then you wouldn't snap out of it. We've been trying to wake you up from your hallucinations for several months."

Jenny's explanation had me sobbing silently and shaking my head. No, this had to be a dream. Jenny rubbed my back as I cried. When I calmed down, she continued.

"Sara is real. Not in the way you think though. Sara is my daughter. She volunteers here. She sits with you sometimes."

A tiny surge of relief flooded through me and I hiccupped. After wiping my eyes, I looked at Jenny.

"Can I...is she...is she here?" I asked, still reeling from whatever this is and wanting to see a familiar face. Jenny nodded. "Of course. I'll go get her."

As I waited, I got out of the bed and looked around the room. I walked towards the window and looked down at the surrounding area.

Lush green grasses, beautiful flowers and tons of benches. At first sight, I wouldn't think this was a mental hospital. But the people in white scrubs and the patients in pastel clothes walking around the grounds told me otherwise.


I turned around at the familiar voice.

I didn't think twice as I ran into Sara's arms and latched on to her. She didn't protest and just held me. Her fingers combed through my hair and she rubbed my back soothingly.

Nothing was said for several minutes. When I finally let go, we sat on the bed together and she just held my hand.

I didn't have to ask if what Jenny told me was true. The look in Sara's eyes was enough.

"I'm sorry Vera."

The End.


Me: *cackles wildly*

Thank you so much for reading (ghost readers ahem). I had fun writing this story, no matter how stressful it was. Now excuse me while Gina attempts to murder me. :)


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