9. Pack Your Bags

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Short-ish chapter. I watched Mulan while writing this. Enjoy. I know Gina will.


Ashton's POV

The rest of the night was spent watching movies and throwing popcorn.

Somewhere around two in the morning, everyone but myself and Michael were asleep.

I was sprawled out on one of the arm chairs and Luke was curled in the other one. Vera was cuddled into Michael, her legs resting on Calum's lap. I looked at Michael, he was wide awake still watching Mulan, one if Vera's favourite movies.

"Mike?" He kept his eyes on the TV. "Hmm?" "Did you ask her yet?" He looked over at me. His eyebrows scrunched together and he sighed. "No." I sighed too. "Michael, you gotta ask her." I looked at Vera. She was so cute. Her dark hair was pulled into a messy braid and her eyelashes fluttered. "I know but...I'm scared. What if she says no?"

"She's not gonna say no, I promise. If anything, she'll say yes and be excited. Besides, what if she's not here when we get back?" I waited for Mikey's response. He looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms, and he stroked her shoulder lightly. "You're right. I'll ask her when she wakes up."

"Cutting it kinda close, aren't you?" "Shut up." I giggled, earning a smile from my chosen brother.

We remained silent after that, turning our attention back to the movie. My eyes began to droop and I knew I wasn't gonna make it to the end. I heard a yawn and I knew Michael was falling asleep. I let myself drift off, listening to the movie.

*The next day*

"BACON!" Michael yelled as we sat at the dining table.

Vera and Luke made bacon and hashbrowns for breakfast. They weren't planning on sharing with everyone until Mikey woke up, hungry as a bear. Nothing new there.

After making extra food, the five of us were sat together eating and drinking and dicking around.

Michael devoured his breakfast and was on his second helping. Vera finished eating, so she sat in her seat drinking tea and giggling at Luke and Calum. They were taking turns throwing pieces of hashbrown into eachother's mouths, cracking up everytime someone missed. I sipped on my coffee, watching the two idiots with amusement.

Just then, Michael took Vera's hand and they got up from the table, going out onto the balcony. I knew he was gonna ask her and I sighed with content. Finally.

Third Person POV

"So what's up?" Vera asked, smiling up at the boy who gave her a chance.

Michael looked over at the girl that had become an important part of his life. He drew in a deep breath before beginning.

"So, um, we've gotten to know eachother in such a short time. I mean I still don't know everything about you but I figure you'll tell me when you're ready. But that's not why I pulled you out here." Michael explained, his hands starting to sweat.

He was so nervous. What if Ashton was wrong? What if she said no?

Vera looked confused. "Is something wrong?" She asked, worrying starting to seep through her body.

What if he pulled her out here to tell her that he didn't wanna be friends anymore? The boys were going back on tour again the very next day. She would leave then, go to a new place. She didn't wanna run away again. She was happy here with the boys. But standing out here, she realized that they couldn't be friends.

The band was getting bigger everyday. They would be too busy to bother with her. She knew the past three weeks was too good to be true. She braced herself, waiting for Michael to continue.

The redhead brought his palm to the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously.

"Nothing's wrong. I really like you, and I don't wanna be away from you. I wanted to ask you if....if you would like to join us on tour." Michael's nerves swarmed as he watched Vera's expression went from confused to surprised then blank.

He was sure she was gonna say no.

He was surprised when Vera smiled. "Yes." "What, really?" He asked in disbelief. "Mikey, I would love to." Michael's heart leaped inside his chest.

He was so happy and excited, he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. She squealed as he spun her around. "Mikey put me down!" She laughed, and the sound was music to his ears. He gently set her down and hugged her again.

"Sorry, I'm just excited. I almost thought you'd say no." He smiled down at the girl in his arms. She chuckled. "I love you guys too much to refuse."

He grinned. "Pack your bags Miss Falls, we're going on tour."

Vera's heart soared with happiness.


OMFG I LOVE WRITING THIS STORY. I hope you like reading it. I love you if do.

I'll give you cookies if you comment. *Slides you a cookie* C'MON YOU CAN'T REFUSE COOKIES.

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @legendtonight I WILL LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND WHISPER SWEET NOTHINGS. Okay it's getting weird, stop it Cristina.


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