21. Netflix

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Cute pic of Calum on top/side.


Vera and the boys arrived in Washington late in the night.

Vera had actually perked up when they got there and wanted to go for a walk. "Let's get Starbucks Cal!" She said and grabbed her cardigan.

Calum, previously shirtless, threw on a green flannel and the two hopped off the bus. They were currently the only ones awake. Michael had fallen asleep in Vera's bunk, buried under her blanket. Luke and Ashton, after many games of Mario Kart, were asleep on the couch.

The only thing keeping Calum awake was Vera. Or maybe it was the fact that she called herself a killer. The thought settled itself in the back of the kiwi's mind.

"Are we even going to find a Starbucks open this late?" Cal asked as he held Vera's hand. She shrugged. "Probably not." They walked a few blocks and enjoyed the comfortable silence.

Without warning, it started raining.

They ran down the street and stopped when they found an awning. Coincidentally, the awning was attached to a little café. They stood under it for a minute before deciding to eat there, since it was open.

They sat at an outside table, under the protection of the awning.

After a few minutes, a waitress came out and they ordered hot chocolate. The waitress wrote it down and gave them a small smile.

While waiting, Vera pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of Calum.

"Awhhh, you look like a wet puppy." She said giggling at the photo and Calum pouted. She posted the picture on Twitter with the hashtag #CalumDrowned.

"Here you are, enjoy." The waitress said, setting down their hot chocolates. The two thanked her and sipped on their drinks. Vera held her cup, warming her hands.

"This is nice." She commented, smiling.

Calum nodded and sipped on his drink. And it was nice. The rain had stopped after ten minutes and street lights had come on, making the wet concrete shine. The after smell of rain was left behind and wafted through the air.

"Let's head back, I wanna watch a movie." Calum said and stood up. Vera followed and they paid for their drinks.

Their hands came together once more and they began walking back to the bus.


"You're one of those acapella girls, I'm one of those acapella guys and we're gonna have aca-children. It's inevitable."

"You're really drunk right now, I don't think you're gonna remember any of this."

"I'm not drunk, you're just blurry."

Vera let out a laugh as she watched Beca and Jesse converse at the Aca-Initiation. Pitch Perfect was one of her favourite movies. Vera and Calum had already watched The Lorax and The Heat.

Michael had woken up during The Heat and joined the duo in the back of the bus. He pulled Vera into his lap and buried his face in her hair.

As Starships started playing in the movie, Luke and Ashton entered the back room with chips and popcorn.

"Ooooh Doritos! Pass those babies over!" Michael exclaimed and made grabby hands at Luke.

The blonde rolled his eyes and threw the bag, Vera catching it.

"Thanks Lukey." She giggled, opening the bag. After popping a Dorito in her mouth, she handed the bag to Michael. Michael of course, stuffed a handful of the cheesy snack into his mouth and munched happily.

"I'm doing horizontal running." Amy said and Calum giggled.

"That's how Mike works out." He said and earned a punch in the shoulder from the older boy. "Rude." Michael said, trying to hide his smile.

Vera chuckled.

"I love you guys." She announced suddenly.

The boys all looked at her. The room was silent except for the sound coming from the flat screen. Vera just smiled and continued watching the movie.

"We love you too Vera." Ashton said quietly, speaking for all the boys. Nobody disagreed because it was true. They settled back down and returned their attention to the screen.

Michael tightened his grip on his girlfriend and popped another chip in his mouth, a goofy smile on his face.


When Pitch Perfect was over, Luke put on The Breakfast Club and the five of them cuddled up.

They ended up in giggles thirty minutes in, after an out of sync whistling session.

"She lives in Canada. I met her at Niagara Falls." Brian lied to John. "Have you been to Niagara Falls Vera?" Calum asked. Vera nodded.

"Once, when I was about six. From what I remember it was amazing. My uncle carried me on his shoulders and I was scared of falling over the railing." (YO TRUE STORY) Vera said, a reminiscent look her face. Calum smiled at that.

When it got to the part where the five detained teenagers were sat on the library floor talking, Vera looked away from the screen and played with Michael's fingers.

This particular scene always made her feel uncomfortable. The way Andrew felt and the way Brian broke down and how everyone seemed to be alone and outcasted. It was like watching her emotions and insecurities being played out in front of her.

"I got so many detentions throughout school. I was a badass." Vera stated proudly, changing the subject out of comfort.

"Psh, you're a kitten. There's no way you were a badass." Michael teased. Vera scoffed and then chuckled. "Yeah you're right. Late detentions aren't badass. I was a good girl."

"Ha! I knew it!" Luke shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"Knew what?" Vera asked, confused.

"After the first New York show, I asked you if you were a good girl and you said I'd never know." Luke smirked, enjoying his victory. Vera rolled her eyes, giving the blonde her middle finger.

The boys laughed.

"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught right? It took you long enough Lukey." Vera smiled slyly. Luke just grinned in response.

Soon after, the movie ended with everyone throwing a fist in the air.

"Can we watch a horror movie?" Michael asked propping his chin on Vera's shoulder. Vera nodded excitedly. "Can we watch The Haunting in Connecticut!"

"That movie's like...old." Calum pointed out. Vera scoffed. "It's from 2009, it's not old."

"Whatever." The tan boy said, pouting playfully. Ashton giggled, cuddling Calum. Michael put on the movie, and pulled Vera in his lap. She snuggled into him and stretched her legs out, so they were resting on Luke's lap.

"BOO!" A scream emitted from Calum and Ashton burst into a fit of giggles.

Michael, Luke and Vera laughed along as the kiwi boy pouted and mumbled something about them being 'assholes'.


I suck at endings, please punch me.

Way lighter chapter and longer too! Please comment and vote? :)


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