14. Serenade

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I've never been to New York before and I'm only going off what I've seen in movies and TV, so please forgive me if there are any inconsistencies.


Third Person POV

"Can we hit the M&M store first!?" Vera asked rocking on her heels.

Ashton bounced up and down like a little kid. The movement was odd to see, because the boy is so tall.

"Yes I want candy!" Ashton giggled excitedly. The two were so childish sometimes, especially together. With Jason and Carlos escorting them, the boys and Vera were going to explore the city that never sleeps.

The first stop was M&M World, as requested by Vera. She was practically shaking with excitement. As the group walked into the store, Vera let go of Michael's hand and ran to a random isle with Ashton tailing her.

Calum laughed in amusement and followed the two supposed adults. "I swear, I don't know how they'd function if they didn't get to let their childish sides out." Michael frowned a bit at that. "That's a depressing thought. I can't imagine Ashton not giggling like a girl all the time or Vera not getting excited over a cookie."

Luke clapped his shoulder. "I don't think they'll ever change." He stated confidently, smiling and wandered away to look a random shelf.

Jason and Carlos let the teens off their leashes as they followed at a safe distance, occasionally picking up toys they thought might interest their kids.

Vera ended up buying a blue M&M plushie. She held it tightly in her arms, like a child. Michael bought a shirt, saying he was gonna cut the sleeves off later. And the rest of the boys bought candy.

Ashton and Vera skipped out of the store, eating candy and smiling like idiots. After hanging out and taking pictures in Time Square for a half hour, the group visited a few more places...including McDonald's.

When they arrived back at the hotel, everyone retired to their rooms to chill out before the concert.

Vera lounged lazily against Michael on their bed as she gazed at the TV, which was playing an episode of Criminal Minds. "Reid is so cute." she said smiling. Michael scoffed. "Cuter than me?" Vera chuckled. She said teasingly, "Maybe. He's quite hot actually." Another scoff. "Psh, I'm hotter."

"I don't know Mikey, if I was gay, I'd probably go for Reid." Ashton said giggling. He and Vera enjoyed joking around together.

"Shut up Irwin." Michael threw a pillow at the curly haired drummer. "And that's not possible cause you're into that Sara girl from yesterday."

A pillow then collided with Michael's head. "I am not." Ashton pouted, crossing his arms. Vera put a hand on her heart, cooing. "Awh Ash, c'mon." Ashton ignored her. "Hey, if it helps, I know she likes you too." That seemed to perk him up a bit. "Really?" he asked, raising a brow. Vera nodded, smiling.

Ashton's face softened, and his lips curved into a small thankful smile.

*At the concert*

"Good evening New York! How ya doing tonight!" Ashton yelled into the mic. Screams emitted from the audience. He sat on his stool, sticks in hand ready to drum hard.

Luke adjusted his guitar before saying into the mic, "This first song is about falling for someone and not being about to control it." The crowd screamed in response.

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