8. Prank

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Ahhh, I'm the worst updater ever. ENJOY. I like this chapter. :))))


Vera's POV

I've spent most of the boy's break hanging out with them. Today is the second last day before their tour starts up again and everyone's a little down but still excited.

I admit I'm a little scared of not being without them. I realized they make me happy. Being here in Australia with Mikey and just having a good time and not worrying about anything.

I sighed as I punched in the keycode at the front door of the band's complex. The buzzer sounded and I made my way to the apartment. I opened the door and walked into the living room to find Calum half draped over the couch, and half on the floor. Border Security was playing on the TV.

"Cal, what are you doing?" I asked setting my backpack down. Calum looked up and smiled lazily at me. "Nothiiing Veeee." "Okay cutie. Where is everyone?" I looked around at the bare space where teenage boys were usually lounging.

Calum shrugged and sat up properly, opening his arms. I smiled and plonked on the couch beside him. I settled into his embrace and looked at the TV. I laid my head on his shoulder

"Luke is taking a nap and Ashton and Michael went to the store." Calum explained and laid his head ontop of mine. I made a noise indicating that I heard what he said.

"Are you excited to be going back on tour?" I asked, looking up to see Cal's expression. He smiled, turning his attention to me. "Yeah it's gonna be great. We're hitting some smaller cities and even a couple in Canada."

A sigh emitted from Calum. "We're gonna miss you though. You came into our lives so suddenly and now you're like a sister to me." He hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head. I kissed his shoulder and laughed. "Awh Cal, I had no idea how mushy you could be." I said teasingly but he knew I felt the love. He smiled and nudged me. "Shut up Vera." I chuckled and turned my attention back to the TV.

A few minutes later, I jumped up from the couch. "Oh my god!" Calum looked at me, confused. "What's wrong?" I grabbed my bag and took out my makeup bag. I grinned and held my hand out for Calum to take.

"You up for pranking Luke?" Calum didn't take long to decide and jumped up with a smile. He took my hand and I pulled him up the stairs into Luke's room.

We crept in quietly and turned on the bedside lamp. The room was dimly lit but Luke's sleeping face was clear.

We knelt down beside his bed and I took out some eyeshadow. Calum giggled as applied sparkly blue eyeshadow to Luke's eyelids. His eyelashes fluttered but he stayed asleep. "Cal, pick a lipstick." I whispered as I put blush on the blonde's cheeks. Calum took out a dark red lipstick and applied it to Luke's lips, being careful of his lipring.

I giggled as Cal finished applying the lipstick. "Here, give me that." I took the lipstick and put it on my lips. Calum looked confused until I planted a kiss on Luke's forehead, leaving a bright imprint.

We took out our phones and took turns taking selfies with Luke. After snapping a few photos, Cal and I went back downstairs to watch TV.

After two episodes of some crime show, the front door opened and in walked Ashton and Michael. "We brought Chinese food!" Ashton yelled resulting in a chorus of yay's from me and Calum.

I jumped up from the couch to hug Michael.

I stood on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face in my neck. His light stubble tickled and I chuckled. "You need to shave." He laughed, and the muffled sound vibrated against my neck.

"Ugh, get a room." Calum said walking passed us into the kitchen.

I giggled and pulled Mikey into the kitchen. Everybody grabbed some food and sat down in the living room. The channel was changed and Transformers happened to be on. As everyone got comfy, Luke came down the stairs. He walked into the living room and all eyes turned to him. "I smelled food." He stated.

"What. The. Fuck?" Ashton said looking at mine and Calum's masterpiece. Michael raised an eyebrow.

Laughter exploded from everyone and Luke looked confused as hell. "What's so funny? Is my hair messed up?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. Calum and I were beside ourselves as we laughed like hyenas.

"Dude, go look in the mirror!" Mikey said, holding his stomach from laughing so hard. Luke left the room to look in the bathroom mirror. A few seconds later, we heard a yell. "What the fuck is this!?" The boys and I burst into another round of giggles.

Luke came out a few minutes later, face red and clear of makeup. "Yeah laugh it up. That was a good one Vera." I smirked, pretending to be innocent. "Me? I didn't do anything." "You're the only one who owns makeup here." Unable to hold it in, I let out a giggle. "Good point but Cal helped."

Calum and I high-fived. "You should have seen your face!" He exclaimed. Luke frowned. "I did, and it wasn't pretty." Another round of giggles sounded throughout the room. Even Luke knew it was a good joke and smiled, shaking his head. He left the room and disappeared into the kitchen. A moment later he came back with food and plopped down on one of the arm chairs. Everyone finally calmed down and started watching the movie again.

I settled back into my previous position beside Mikey. It was going to be a good night.



Shoutout to Gina, who I deem my #1 fan (and possibly my only fan). HEY GURL HEY!

Please vote and all the sweet stuff. I love anyone who reads this, lets be friends, I'll give you a cookie. :))))


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