27. Wonderland

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I'm still reeling from the last chapter. I regret nothing. I am literally Kermit.^

Dedicated to DiamondMisfits aka Gina aka Bae. ❤


"Well well well. Look what the Cheshire cat dragged in."

Sara smirked as she watched Vera and Michael make themselves comfortable on the sofa inside the tour bus.

Ashton giggled as he played with Sara's hands with his own big ones.

"You guys totally fucked." He said and Vera wanted to throw the Wii remote at him but she settled for a random magazine. Unfortunately her aim wasn't perfect. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, I swear to god. If you don't shut up." She warned and leaned back into Michael's side.

"So where are we going next?" Michael asked, fingers caressing the inside of Vera's thigh just above her knee.

"Ontario my dear Alice." Ashton said grinning. Michael raised his eyebrows, just a little confused.

"Why are you guys making Alice In Wonderland references?" Luke asked walking into the living room with his phone in hand.

"Cause we're going to Canada's Wonderland!" Ashton yelled.

Suddenly a cursing Calum sounded from Luke's phone. "Fuck yes!"

"Are you seriously on the phone with Calum? Isn't he literally in the other room?" Vera asked, but was honestly not surprised.

"Actually, we're facetiming cause he was too lazy to get up." Luke explained, holding his phone up to reveal a shirtless Calum in the back room. "You're an idiot." Vera said and Calum pouted. "Rude."

"So I heard you guys frickle frackled." Luke wiggled his eyebrows. Vera's jaw dropped and she glared at Ashton. He just smiled innocently.

"Did you guys use protection!?" Calum yelled and Vera groaned. Michael sighed. "Yes actually but that's none of your business Hood."

"It is so, that's my baby girl!" Calum yelled. Michael held Vera protectively. "Fuck you she's my baby."

Vera facepalmed.

"Open the door, I'm throwing myself off the bus."

Everyone laughed.


"I think Luke would be Sandy and Michael would be Danny."

The two girls were sitting in the back room watching Grease and joking around.

"Hey, I heard that!" Luke shouted, opening the door and standing with his hands on his hips.

Vera and Sara looked at each other and burst out laughing. Yeah, Luke would totally be Sandy. "You're a one-time teenage drama queen Lucas." Vera said quoting the old Lindsay Lohan song.

"What are you girlies doing back here?" Ashton said coming up behind Luke and laying his chin on the broad shouldered blonde. Luke scoffed. "They're bullying me!"

"We are not! We just said that Luke would play Sandy and Michael would play Danny." Sara explained smiling innocently. Ashton giggled. "Hell yeah I'm Muke as fuck."

"Ugh, I hate you guys. I'm leaving the band." Luke said and stomped off dramatically. "What a drama queen." Ashton commented.

"That's what I said!" Vera agreed and chuckled.


"Holy shit we're here!" Vera shouted.

She leapt off the bus and ran towards the entrance of the park, Ashton on her heels.

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