24. Very Vera

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Dedicated to Lostintheworld22 cause we've been homies since kindergarten.✌ I feel like this is a filler chapter and nothing amazing. I find it cute though. Enjoy.


"Mrs. Falls, this sauce is delicious."

"Michael please, call me Katherine or Kathy. And thank you. Vera helped make it." Vera's mother smiled at her daughter's boyfriend.

Vera chuckled. "The secret ingredient is lemon juice."

Katherine smacked her hand. "It is not. Don't listen to her. You'll never know the secret ingredient." Michael pouted but laughed.

"Don't fret Mikey, I'll find out one day."

The blue haired boy smiled and continued eating.

The seven of them sat outside on the patio, digging into to pasta covered in hearty meat sauce.

Matthew cleared his throat as forks scraped against plates. "So...Vera, Michael. How did you meet?" He inquired.

"Ugh, seriously?" Vera looked at her father. She was not interested in having this conversation. The boys giggled though and Michael sat up straight.

"Well..." Michael started. "Please don't." Vera said hiding her face in her hands.

"We met in my bedroom. Not the way you think. Vera broke into our apartment, showered and stole my clothes." "I didn't steal them. I was going to return them..." Vera pouted.

"Well it doesn't matter now, cause you're my girlfriend and what's mine is yours." Luke snorted. "What's yours is everyone's Mike. We all share our clothes."

"Yeah Vera especially likes to wear my shirts." Ashton stated.

"Shut up Ash. They're just really comfortable."

"You steal all our clothes. The other day you were wearing Luke's socks." Calum piped in, grinning. Vera threw a crouton from her salad at her kiwi friend. "Oh my god. I only wore them cause they're cute and fuzzy." She defended herself.

"Well it seems as though you're all joined at the hips. I'm glad Vera's found some friends." Katherine said.

"Mum, you make me sound like a loner." Katherine chuckled. "I have other friends too. Sara, Ashley and Jessica. I met them on tour."

"That's lovely sweetheart. I'm glad you're doing well now."

"Thanks for dinner Mum."

"Yeah thank you Mrs. Fall- I mean Katherine. We should probably head out soon though." Luke said.

"Hey now, why don't you all stay the night? You can have the basement. Have a slumber party." Katherine suggested, standing up to gather empty plates.

"That would be awesome Kathy, thank you." Calum smiled and stood up to help, along with Vera.

"Yeah except we have slumber parties every night Cal." Luke pointed out.


"Hey Vera, can we see you room?" Ashton asked after dishes were cleaned up.

Michael nodded in agreement eagerly. Vera sighed at the puppy dog faces the boys gave her and motioned for them to follow her upstairs.

"This is it. My room." Vera said as she opened the door with her name painted on it.

Inside, the walls were blue and covered in All Time Low posters and photos of her and her family. Against one wall was her bed with black blankets and a stuffed dog. The opposite wall had a desk and dresser leaning against. Fairy lights were draped across her windows and part of the wall, twinkling brightly.

Stacks of cds sat on her bookshelf and a flower crown lay abandoned on her desk. A chair in the corner of the room held a bunch of random clothes.

"Wow. So this is baby Vera's room." Ashton commented and giggled as Vera stuck her tongue out.

She sat on the edge of her bed and watched as the boys explored every inch of her old room. The room she left now less-painful memories in.

"I never expected to be back here so soon. It's exactly the way I left it."

"It's cute. Like you." Michael complimented, sitting beside Vera on the bed. She smiled and bit her lip. "Shut up." She said quietly.

"I like it. It's very...Vera. Haha get it?" Luke said snapping his fingers and laughed. "Yeah we get it dork." Michael said throwing the stuffed dog at the blonde.

Luke caught it and hugged it, pouting.

Vera laughed and then shooed the boys out of her room so she could get changed. Luke didn't let go of the dog though.

After putting on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a The Killers tshirt, Vera nearly tripped down the stairs and headed to the kitchen to make a snack.

Her parents were in the living room watching TV with a couple glasses of wine.

When the popcorn was ready, she grabbed several cans of pop, a bag of chips and went to the basement. The six foot something boys were already draped across the couches, cuddling shirtless.

"Rude! You start the fun without me and then you don't even help me with snacks. Y'all aren't getting any popcorn." Vera huffed and set the snacks on the coffee table.

"NO! Baby I'm sorry. Can I please have some popcorn?" Michael jumped up from the couch he and Luke were on and leapt towards his girlfriend.

"Fine but only you." Vera chuckled.

"What!?" Said the other three in unison.

"I'm just kidding." Vera said and threw a can of Pepsi at Calum. Calum ducked though and Ashton caught it instead. Luke giggled.

A few minutes after they were done joking around, everyone was settled on the couches and Vera had a remote in her hand. She pressed play and Annabelle started playing. Luke immediately covered his eyes.

"I love this movie." Vera giggled.

"This is a very Vera movie." Calum said. Then a piece of popcorn hit his face.


Hi, I've been listening to She's Kinda Hot on repeat, kbye.

-Cristina :)

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