3. Girly

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Mkay just a WARNING: this chapter contains sexual harassment.


"Michael Gordon Clifford, move your damn ass!" a very impatient Ashton Irwin yelled dramatically.

"God, okay! I'm ready now. Are you happy?" Michael asked as he came down the stairs and walked passed a now smiling Ashton. He threw his friend a toothy grin. "Very happy. Let's go." Michael sighed and followed Ashton out the door.

The band was going out for pizza since no one could decide on what to make for dinner.

As much as Michael loved pizza, he wasn't feeling good tonight. He kept his thoughts to himself though, so as not to upset the others. He was fine, really. At least that's what he tried to convince himself.

When the boys arrived at Tito's Pizzeria, they got a booth at the back.

"Ready to order lads?" asked the main waiter, Julian.

Luke and Calum ordered pepperoni, Ashton ordered a meat lover's, and Michael ordered cheese.

Julian took down the orders and came back with drinks.

As he set a Coke down infront of Michael, he noticed the red-haired boy's silence. "Cheer up, Mikey." he said quietly before leaving to wait on another table.

Michael heard Julian, and he wished to God he could but he was feeling so down. He took a deep breath and forced himself to have fun.


Vera was lost.

She should've stayed at the hotel, or just checked out the marina. She could ask for directions but it seemed she was the only one on this street.

The sun was setting and Vera had skipped lunch.

Her phone was nearly dead so she couldn't Google directions and she didn't know any cab numbers.

Turning a corner, Vera walked smack into a chest. Hands caught her shoulders before she could go falling backwards.

"Woah, hey there girly." a man's voice sounded and she looked at him. He wore baggy jeans and a polo shirt. He was smiling widely at her.

"Sorry, I should've watched where I was going." Vera apologized and tried to move away from the guy but his grip tightened. "No girly, you're not going anywhere. You're just what I've been looking for. Tonight you're mine." his voice was dark and deep and it actually scared Vera.

"What the fuck? Let me go, asshole." Vera tried to sound tough but this had never happened to her before.

Vera struggled as the guy put his arms around her, locking her arms in place. He moved forward and forced a sloppy kiss on her quivering mouth. When he removed his lips from hers, she spit in his face.

"You bitch! You'll pay for that." The guy yelled and struck her cheek with the back of his hand. She yelped and her eyes watered as she felt the stinging sensation.

She looked around the street, only to find it dead. It was just the two of them in the dark, night settling in.

The nameless man tried to grope her a couple times before he got frustrated and pulled her into an alley. He threw Vera on the ground, where she landed partly in a muddy puddle.

Her dress ruined and her knees scraped, she stood up but the man pushed her against the wall of a brick building, pinning her down.

He kissed her once more before moving to her neck. He dragged his filthy lips against her skin.

Vera somehow mustered enough strength to bring her leg up and kneed the guy as hard as she could where it hurts the most.

"Oh fuck!" the guy grabbed his balls and backed away, creating an open escape for Vera.

Before she got away, she pushed him to the ground and ran for her life.

She ran and ran until she came upon an apartment complex, the door wide open.

And she ran inside.


Okay, I originally wasn't going to write a scene like this but it was better than explaining how Vera got where she was in the next chapter (foreshadowing).

Plus, I wrote this at like two in the morning, which was stupid on my part cause I was hella tired but I got inspired to write and I didn't wanna lose the idea.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks to anyone actually reading this story. I feel confident about it. :))))


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