Chapter 4: Some "Light" Snacking

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---------------------Percy's POV:-----------------------------

It was the fateful Friday, the setting sun reminded me of my decision I had to make. Now don't get me wrong, I may have agreed to go but I also planned on holding a heist tonight. The indecisiveness was eating away at me as I sat on my bed, looking between the pile of clothes on my chair and my villain outfit. 

Now the villain outfit wasn't anything special. It was made up of a jacket, a white shirt, a blue belt, and some cargo pants. There was a bit more to it but those were really the main components.

This is one of the moments where I wished Ms. O'leary lived with me full time. I would've just let her try to figure it out instead but unfortunately she still lives at camp half-blood. I only get to see her when I blow my whistle for an emergency or when she randomly pops in, though these visits are usually far in between.

I sighed as I looked over to the suit. I mean, I'd been planning this for weeks, I'd made sure to find out the "flash"'s response times and boy were they scary. The dude could move faster than lightning apparently. I'd just gotten lucky enough to not have encountered him.

But on the other hand. I looked over to the regular clothes. I did tell Wally I'd go, and I don't want him thinking I was flaking... 

Why did I care so much. I mean we just met, it's not like I have some sort of responsibility to him. Though Ms. O'leary did like a lot. Plus his eyes were really ni- No. I can't. I'm not getting attached to anyone else. We all saw how that went down last time.

I shook my head as I stood up and walked over to my villain suit. My mind was made up.

-----------------------Wally's POV:-------------------------

"Annnnnnd done!" I proclaimed as I stepped back from my decorations. I had finally finished cleaning up and decorating. The food was in the oven, I had made lasagna, and I still had... no minutes to spare as I heard a knock on the door. I quickly looked over the apartment once more before deciding it was good enough. I jogged over to the door, opening it to reveal a group of four. It was just some of the people that lived around here, not the family...or Percy.

"Hello Wally! The place looks great!" I smiled at the older woman as she walked in shakily, another younger man who lived a few doors down from me helped her out till she got to the couch.

Like a waterfall, people began trickling in until my apartment was bustling with people. There were issues arising though. For one, there were barely any snacks left. I may or may not have done some skimming. It's not my fault I'm this way! And second, the lasagna burned, third, I haven't seen Percy. We were a good hour into the party and nothing. I was starting to get a bit worried she wouldn't show at all.

Apparently my worry was showing though because one of my neighbors named Harper pulled me to the side.

"Hey Wally, are you feeling okay?" She gave me a small smile. Harper was a motherly figure, she and her husband had just gotten married and they were overall great people, they lived on the other side of the hall to me as well.

I nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm just a bit worried that the snacks won't hold us over for much longer". I looked over to the table to see we were down to half a jar of salsa and maybe three or four cookies.

Harper followed my gaze to see the pathetic mess of a snack table. She let out a small sigh before turning back to me.

"I can send Berkely out for some more, I'm sure he wouldn't mind" I shook my head quickly.

"No no! I'll figure something out. I decided to host the event. I should be the one to worry about my messes." She gave me a sad smile and looked like she was about to say something when over the sounds of voices I heard a knock at the door. I turned around and Harper gave me a confused look as I did so. I bee-lined for the door, reaching it in a few seconds tops as I had to shove by some people.

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