Chapter 54: Rat Eating Orange Scones

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I was uncomfortable. That's all I knew.

I was dead and uncomfortable. Even in death the fates were cruel.

My body is warm and the only thing familiar that I felt was the rippling of the water around me. And yet I knew I was nowhere near the ocean.

" Pay they rent on time... *hmmm Hmmmm* slide with your boy to the bar" A gentle voice sang, the sound of Bruno mars and electric music filling my senses as I started to come back to reality.

Did Hades send me to some sort of rehab? This definitely wasn't the petrifyingly hot atmosphere I was expecting. Honestly I was expecting death to be a lot more...awake? Cold? Maybe even hot? Something more ghosty like with Bianca.

As I tried to sit up an involuntary groan left my mouth, causing discomfort to form in my dry mouth as I started to cough, a tickling sensation running throughout my throat. It was uncomfortable and frankly I wasn't here for it.

"Oh! Oh honey!" I felt a warm hand wedge between me and the liquid, pushing me up into a sitting position as I continued hacking away, the discomfort not leaving me until a cup was placed on my lips, and immediately I started to suck down the cold liquid.

The discomfort fled, instead being replaced by the soothing coolness. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally opened my eyes, a bright light entering my system and flooding me momentarily.

I quickly shut them as the light sent a short jab to my head, a pain springing throughout my head as I let out another groan.

"Whoa whoa, slow down there. You need to let your eye's adjust." I did as instructed, placing a hand over my eyes as I allowed my eyes to adjust to the shaded version of the light, spotting a green skirt in the corner of my vision, a gentle hand rubbing the top of my hand as feeling slowly started to regain in my body.

Where was I? Surely this wasn't the underworld. gods know I wouldn't have fought as hard if this was what it was like.


That's a joke. I'm kidding.

I removed my hand, allowing the light to envelop my eyes. While it still hurt it wasn't nearly as bad, and now she could make out her surroundings.

She was in a quarts like place, torches built into the side with various plants bearing fruits fell down the sides of the walls, cascading into lovely baskets at the bottom. The feeling of godly presence was overwhelming, it was like she'd decided to dunk herself in the river Styx again.

"Percy? Are you feeling okay?" I turned to look to my side, Hestia's concerned yet relieved expression coming into view. She had on a long sleeved white shirt with a green skirt on below it. It looked extremely comfortable, which was kinda her thing.

I nodded slowly as I tried to remember why I was sitting in what is assumed to be Hestia's temple.

"Why?" I was merely met with a shush, Hestia gently pressing some warm food into my hands.

"You need to eat, at least something that isn't purified energy drinks and orange scones." I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the plate.

All it took was one glance at the steaming bowl of beef stew for my stomach to rumble. Deciding I didn't want to ignore my stomach's commands I dug in, ravaging the delicious bowl of stew. As she ate, Hestia walked around, gathering items and setting them on shelves Percy hadn't noticed.

Upon finishing I looked over to Hestia.

"What happ-" And just like that, maybe it was the stew or the sudden clearance in my head but I suddenly remembered the blast, the fear on my friends faces, the twisted look from the Joker. That's all it took as I tried to push myself off the bed, the water rolling off me uselessly as I realized I was in a bed made purely out of water. "Wally!" I half yelled, half desperately realized he might be worried.

"Percy!" Hestia yelled, running over just in time to catch me. Once my feet hit the ground my legs gave out, causing me to fall into warm arms.

I let out a small grunt but my determination was no less faltered. "Hestia! How long have I been here?"

Hestia gave me a solemn look. "About 4 human weeks." I nearly fainted all over again, my legs turning to jelly as Hestia once again supported me.

"I- I can''s not..." I mumbled. Hestia hushed me, pushing me back onto the bed so that my legs were dangling off the side.

"Percy, you were in an explosion. I only barely managed to grab you in time before any serious damage was done. Though your hair wasn't entirely spared." My hand rushed up to my previously long hair, now finding it down to a wavy mid-length, hanging right above my shoulders. "You've passed out since. I..." She trailed off, looking at me pityingly before opening her mouth.

"Yo auntie! I brought the..." I looked up to a voice I hadn't thought about in a while.

Apollo stood there with a smile, his bow and arrow hanging off his back and his appearance that of a college kid who really didn't want to be here. Well besides his smile.

"CUZZZ!!" He yelled, running forwards and discarding the basket of items. I barely managed to spot Hestia throwing herself to the ground to catch the items before all I could see was chest. My screams are muffled by the cloth being shoved into my face. "Oh cuz you're alive! And awake! But mainly alive!!" He swung me around, holding me tight as he spun me back and forth, whipping me like a broken machine.

Eventually he let me go, and I admit I stumbled back onto my bed, my head a bit spinny.

"H-ey Apollo" I replied, trying to keep my stew from coming back up.

He didn't seem to notice my sentiment as he started to ramble. "You know when Hestia told me that you were alive well, heh, I frankly thought she'd finally gone off her rocker but then she shoved food in my mouth and dragged me here and here we are with you, and I basically single handedly brought you off the brink of death those scones were reall- Mph!" Hestia's deadpan face broke through as she shoved a scone in his mouth. At first he looked like he wanted to protest but then he seemed to melt into the scone and he turned away, munching happily on the scone.

"Chronos's sweet patience I really made a mistake bringing that boy along." She mumbled, sitting besides me as she bundled what I now spotted as herbs into bundles, putting them in her palms before crushing them into small powders easily. They fell onto a separate orange scone sitting on a plate in her lap. "Percy, my little honey bee, you mind eating this as well? I just want you to gain back your strength sooner." While I was full, the pleading look on her face was enough for me to shove down another scone as well.

She smiled as she ruffled my hair playfully. "Thank you darling."

I nodded, giving her a half smile back. "So you were gonna tell me you told Apollo."

She nodded. "Hephaestus might also have a clue. I mean." She looked to the bed I was sitting on. "It's not everyday that any other gods ask for water beds." I nodded slightly. Not only was I separated from Wally for 4 weeks but here was my whole life that I'd built up over the past 5 years crumbling before my eyes.

"Okay" I said quietly, looking over to Hestia with a nod. "Just tell him, make sure he keeps it from my dad, if he finds out then everything's been for nothing." She nodded.

"Alright. Now stand up, I need to see if I gotta keep you here or not." I stood up cautiously, and while it was a bit weird, I knew I would adjust. I looked up and Hestia had a smile on her face.

"Great, then let's get you home! And let's get some auntie points!" She mumbled the last part but before I could question it she left, leaving me alone with Apollo who was eating his scone like a rat.

I cringed internally, letting out a small sigh as I sat back down. I was ready to get home.

Not even a second later I felt my body disappear and suddenly I was free of gravity. Like it all started I was back on solid ground, my body heavy once more and suddenly before I could figure out where I was a loud screech ensued and a weight pushed me to a couch.



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