chapter 43: Monster attack

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------------Percy's POV:-------------

"So you've just been hopping around for 5 years?" Jason asked quietly, Piper sat beside him as I brought them two cups of hot cocoa.

I nodded slowly. "Yep" I'd told them about the Orca thing and I was a bit freaked out that they hadn't said anything yet.

"Have you even talked to your mom?" Piper asked, taking a quick sip. I shook my head. I sat down on the chair across from them, wrapping myself in my blanket. Sure I was still hurt from the past, but if Leo has told me anything it's that I need to give them a second shot. If they fail this then I really-

"Percy" Piper's voice was quiet. I looked up from my drink, catching the sad looks of the duo in front of me.

I stared at them for a second with the two staring solemnly.

"We are so sorry" Jason's voice was quiet and I could hear the edge at the edge of his voice threatening to force more tears out of his eyes. "We didn't mean to let things get-no, we shouldn't have ever let things get that bad to begin with. We were all so wrapped up in our lives and the victory that we forgot." He stared down into his cup, his grip tightening and his finger rubbing against the smooth handle in a way to calm himself down. I found myself doing something similar.

"We've all regretted it, I don't think anyones gone a day without apologizing." Piper said, giving me a small smile but it looked to just be covering up a small sob. I felt my heart ache in my chest. Of course I'd missed them all, but was I ready? It's easy to say you can give them a second chance but actually enacting on that is difficult. Pushing past previous hurt in order to make way for a new attack is scary. I wished Wally had stuck around but he'd been called in.

I nodded lightly, taking a long sip of my hot cocoa to give myself time. The two looked at me with hope, not much but some. I took one last breath as I brought my coca away from my lips.

I've spent so much time being so...lonely? Angry? I guess a combination. While yes, forgiving them might be difficult, it may also be good for me. Letting go of past wrongs to make room for improvement. 

"I... I forgive you, but that doesn't make what happened right. I won't lie, sitting here with you guys is a bit unnerving to say the least, but... I wanna try it again. Maybe things won't change but at least then I know that I'm good on my own- okay maybe not alone, but I'm alright with leaving." I gave them a small smile, their smiles growing as more tears rolled down Piper's cheeks, Jason raising a hand to gently dab at his own.

"We missed you so much Percy"Jason said quietly, I smiled at the warming feeling in my chest.

"I missed you guys as well." I replied, grabbing the cup with both hands to spread more warmth through my hands.

"But uh..." Piper looked down at her cup and I already could tell what was about to happen. "You're Orca?" She looked up, her smile a bit less vibrant than before. I nodded slightly.

"I uh, needed to save demigods and help the city out, maybe it's become a habit from camp half-blood? Not sure really. But I guess "Kidnapping" a couple children and sending them to camp doesn't look too heroic." I rolled my eyes slightly, landing on the picture of me and my mom, lingering ever so slightly before ripping my attention away and back to the duo.

"Wait, was Lacy you?" Piper asked, a bit of familiarity in her voice. I felt hope rise in my chest as I nodded, my smile growing.

Lacy had been a little girl I'd saved not to long into becoming a Vigilante, her blonde hair and vibrant green eyes screamed Aphrodite so I checked in on the parents and found a single father, his eyes were tired and worried. I still wish to go back and check in on him. Even Lacy for that matter.

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