Chapter 49: Steven Universe?

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---------------Percy's POV:---------------

The past 15 minutes had been insufferable.

Not only was I abandoned on the side of the street like a local drunkard but I was also stuck wearing this stupid gettup. Believe it or not, metal boots, cargo pants, and a hood do not go together. I looked like a criminal trying (and failing) to be incognito. Let's not even forget the fact that an objectively angsty man was following me, and frankly he also looked like he hadn't quite grown out of his emo phase. I'm sure My Chemical Romance was somewhere on his playlist.

This thought was interrupted by the beeping from the small camera on my side. Apparently someone had to be watching me at all times, the person to volunteer? Me'gan. The girl was sweet in the 2 interactions we've had but this was just becoming irritating. She was constantly sending me reminders to ask if I was okay.

I snapped twice, the signal she'd made up for me to alert my well-being.

Was I expecting anything to come out of this?

Quite simply? No, nope, nada, not in the slightest. In fact it was more probable that Hades would wear a pink tutu then me finding the Joker in the middle of a bustling city day. I snorted to myself at the image appearing in my mind.

The image soon faded as I turned the corner, turning onto a different street with less people on it.

At some point during my walk I'd flipped my hat backwards, they needed to be able to recognize me and I'm afraid that having my face shaded wasn't helping. Though I admit, it was doing nothing for the heat and sun in my eyes.

"gods I wished I'd just stayed home today." I mumbled, shoving my hands in the pocket of the hoodie. The concern of who's hoodie this was lingered in the back of my head but I chose not to focus on that and rather on the HEAT THAT WAS GENERATING FROM IT!!

A thin layer of sweat sat upon my forehead, making me sticky and uncomfortable, but worse than that? Trapped. I couldn't take off the hood and with all this liquid leaving me from every pore I was feeling a little worse for wear to speak kindly.

I almost felt excited as I passed the shadows, the comforting coolness drying the layer of liquid on my warm skin. A part of me wished I'd find them already in order to rid myself of this torture but another wished to not give batman the satisfaction.

It really was a hard choice.

I walked for a while longer, humming a melody with the beeps going off every few minutes or so, leaving me looking like some weirdo as I snapped twice every five minutes.

Eventually though the camera beeped four times. The signal to go into the nearest alley. A wave of relief washed over me as I walked into an alley, a smug look appearing on my face as the bat dropped from the roof of the building.

"You know you could smile more right? I'm not sure how a hero gets away with being so...angry? Nah nah more angsty all the time. Like dude? Who looks at this suit and thinks, aw yeahhh this is what a symbol of peace looks like!" I smiled at Batman as he approached me but his scowl only seemed to deepen.

"Stop making nonsensical jokes and listen." he walked forwards, taking the hat off of me completely, letting my mane of black hair unravel and fall back onto my shoulders. "We're not giving up quite yet. You're gonna go back out there and continue walking."

I stared at him for a moment, feeling anger building up inside of me. 

"Okay you know what?" I asked to no one, letting the angry question linger in the air as I ripped off the hoodie that was baking me like some of mom's cookies. "I'm done with this, with YOU!" I yelled, flailing my arms at him. I threw the hood to the ground, looking up at him but his face held a look of... acceptance? No, something like he'd expected this to happen as a smug grin played on his lips.

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