Chapter 14: Nice to meet you again

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Yato was now watching as Shisui began training, with the short katana he had given to him a week ago and was a quick learner.

Yato did teach Shisui a lot but not everything he actually knew because just in case he would to ever turn, become controlled, or anything worse the Uchiha teacher would still have many tricks up his sleeve to take down his student if that day would to ever come.

Tsunade had walked over to Yato to tell him the news about what happened.

"I see you two are both working hard but I've got some news for you all" Tsunade said as both Yato and Shisui had stopped with the young Uchiha panting exhausted.

"Oh you finally woke up Tsunade" Yato said looking over at Tsunade.

"So what's the news's?" Shisui asked Tsunade.

"Well first the war, has finally ended" Tsunade said as she then passed Yato and Shisui a newspaper and the war.

It ended with Iwagakure and Konohagakure's armistice treaty since they were mainly responsible for the war.

"I am glad the war finally ended but what's the second thing?" Yato asked Tsunade.

"Well Hiruzen has asked us to return so he could give us the rest of the news in person well that's what the paper had on it" Tsunade said.

"Well it has been a while since we have been back to the village, so I wouldn't mind to go a visit" Yato said.

"What about you Shizune?" Yato asked the young teen while also catching a kunai from the forest as he was training with both Shisui and Shizune.

"That sounds actually, fine I have been dying, to try some of that sweet dango you have been talking about sir Yato" Shizune said.

"Well alright then let's go and get ready to get going back, to the leaf village" Yato said as he helped an exhausted Shisui up who still had his Sharingan activated still doing the training Yato told him about previously.

The group have now been travelling for the past month and were now in a town just a few miles away from the village so it wouldn't take them that long to get back to the village but first they had decided to stop for some breakfast.

(Timeskip with Chibi Shisui trying to sleep but with eye's wide open as Yato was over looking him)

During breakfast Shisui and Shizune began eating like they haven't eaten in years as the two were now on their fourth plate of food while both Yato and Tsunade just watched.

"Man you two are eating like you haven't eaten in years. Darling what kind of training did you make them go through?" Tsunade asked as she had taken a bite of her breakfast.

"Well I made the two wake up early in the morning and first did some Tijutsu training, second I had Shisui preform the fire ball Jutsu while also dodging kunai as for Shizune I had her balance on a log while reading a medical book while also dodging kunai. Then I had then done the bell test and they would continue until they gotten a bell" Yato said.

"How long did you guy's do that for?" Tsunade asked.

"I think it was an hour" Yato said which made both Shisui and Shizune glare at him with one of anger.

"One hour?! You mean eight!" Shisui yelled.

"Yeah is your memory that bad?!" Shizune yelled at Yato.

"I-I w-was just joking t-that's all" Yato said as both Shisui and Shizune had stopped glaring at the Uchiha man and went back to eating their breakfast while he had took a sip of his tea.

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