Chapter 1

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~Ranboo Pov~
"Hi, Tubbo!"
"Hey! Are you excited to come over? Chat has no clue it's gonna happen so soon!"
"Haha yeah, sad to see all of the art every day till I go to the uk!"
"It's fine, the spots gonna be filled with beeduo art."
"Yeah true."

~Time skip to end of their call~
I'm so nervous, like how do I handle the fact that I'm about to go see this person who's been my best friend for months! He's so awesome and lovely. I get butterflies thinking about it!

It's only 10 pm but I'm too exhausted to think so I go lay down and put some Rex Orange County on with a sleep timer of an hour. I hope I can get all my thoughts straight and fall asleep before then.
I imagine doing the dance scene (A Lovely Night) from La La Land with tubbo, seeing all of the little spots in his eyes when we got close and how he stood on his tippy toes during certain parts.

Boy was I falling for this kid.

Soon I was fast asleep, having vivid dreams about dancing with Tubbo.

~Tubbo Pov~
It makes me so happy just to be on call with Ranboo. He makes me blush and my heart flutters with just a joke compliment.
But I gotta keep it together, he's my best friend, I don't wanna mess this up. I go shower to think about the situation, I stare at the wall while the hot water hits my back and think about how ranboos going to be in my home. MY HOME. How'd I even get this lucky to be friends with such an awesome guy?

My mind wanders from places I want to take Ranboo to, to songs that remind me of him. I get butterflies thinking about how he spends his time listening and memorizing all the songs I love and always tells me about a cool song he found.

He's just lovely.

I get snapped back into reality when the water starts to turn cold, I finish showering at lightning speed.

I dry as much of the shower as I can, then spray some bleach.

I put on a pair of sweats and an old faded fender shirt that was sticking out of my drawers. I lay on my bed, not under the covers, and just think. I'm so exhausted but don't want to sleep yet, there's so much happening in my brain and very exciting events coming up too soon for me to comprehend.

I slip on my vest and turn my sodium chloride machine on.

It's 7 am now, the birds are starting to sing and the sun is rising with its beautiful pink color. I know I need sleep to function and that I want to be slightly on the same sleep schedule as ranboo. Soon I'm passed out on top of the blankets.

Hi, lovelies! Hope you're enjoying the story, some of the stuff in the book is references to me like the fender shirt and having vivid dreams. I do wanna make this book a longer one but for a good reason, you guys are gonna get a ton of fluff is all i can say 👀. The chapters are gonna be much longer than this I hope! Please vote because it helps me get reach as an author <3
Anyways enjoy the story and give some constructive criticism!

651 Words

OK SO I'M EDITING THE STORY! TUBBO HAS CYSTIC FIBROSIS, I DID A GOOD EXPLANATION AT THE END OF CHAPTER 13, SO SKIP TO THE END IF YOU WANNA GET AN IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE ABT IT! disclaimer: I do not have CF myself, but my baby cousin does and my info is from helping and seeing all of the things we have to do! If anyone reading has CF, tell me if I mess anything up!

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