Chapter 15

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~Tubbo Pov~

"Sweet that you care, I never told you so I don't expect you to know!"

I started to cough really bad, worse than usual, then I felt a huge chunk of phlegm in my mouth and ran to the bathroom where I spat all of it out.

I walked back into my room and sat down on the floor.

"Sorry about that, I haven't done treatment yet and my lungs are full of mucus."

"That's fine, do you want to do treatment right now? While you're using your nebulizer (the thing that mists sodium chloride solution) I can look up stuff since you can't talk with your mouthpiece in."

"I have a mask that I used when I was younger that goes over my mouth and nose, it even had a dinosaur on it to make me want to do it more, which it never did, but using the mouthpiece helps the solution get into my lungs better. I'll set up over here in the corner and you can do your thing."

"If you ever need help with taking care of yourself I'm here for you."

I didn't doubt it, but I don't want to stop him from doing the things he loves.

"Thank you. Don't let me be a burden ok?"

"Never will be."

I smiled at Ranboo and put on my headphones before getting my vest on and nebulizer.

"It's too loud for me right now, a bit too much stimulus."

"All good, i'll let you be"

I blasted music while I watched Ranboo laying on the floor, scrolling through tray designs, and swinging his feet in the air.

I started coughing really badly. I'm glad that the vest was shaking out the broken up mucus. I had to grab my deep dish just in case I had a bad mucus day, which was in fact, today.


I wish he didn't have to hear this.

"It's fine, get all of the mucus out."

After 30 minutes I had filled the dish with my mucus. I'm happy all of the gunk was able to come out, but the color was starting to turn green which is distressing.

"I'm a bit worried about having to get a tune-up soon... Hopefully I can avoid that by getting some antibiotics."

"Are you feeling ok? That sounds kinda serious."

"Its happened a lot, it's when I get a lung infection and I have to go to the hospital for some stronger meds where they monitor me, it's like a two week ordeal,"

"Oh yuck! Sorry about that, should we get started on the dishes?"

"Oh yeah! I really brought the mood down huh? DISTRACTION CLAY!"

I threw the light container of slip at him, seeing him take a bit of force.

"Ow! Oh! It worked! I'm now only thinking about the clay!"

"See! I'm a genius!"

"Yes, yes you are."

I got out a bunch of metal tools I got for sculpting and explained to Ranboo what was going on,

"Ok so take the ball of clay I gave you, and roll it so it's flat, but still pretty thick, this is going to be the base, and we'll cut a circle out of it."

"Like this?"

He wasn't doing too well but after every roll it seemed like he was managing it better.

"Yeah you're figuring it out."

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