Chapter 6

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~Ranboo Pov~

We were watching The Office together, in person, he was so close to me, I could hear him rhythmically breathing. I felt sort of tense not knowing what to do, usually, there was this comfort over the phone watching this show where I could make comments with ease.

I still found those comments coming into my mind but was too nervous to say anything that would upset the atmosphere of the room which felt dense, but only to me, Tubbo seemed to be having a fine time.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder, it caught me off guard because I was zoning out in my thoughts not even paying attention to the show. Immediately Tubbo went back into an upright position, he seemed nervous.

"Hey it's ok don't worry," I told him but he seemed anything but calm. He responded by ending it with sorry, I don't know what he thought he did by putting his head on my shoulder, but whatever it was, it didn't impact how I felt about him at all.

It gave me butterflies when I realized that he was the one to initiate something. Of course, this was a friendly thing to do so I couldn't call it a move, but in my heart, it gave me a glimpse of hope. I started to get anxious thinking about what it could mean.

Sure there were plenty of reasons why someone would put their head on your shoulder. It's morning, maybe he's still waking up. Or he just wants to be close to me. No wait that couldn't be true.

"Hey, you ok? You seem a bit off-put."

Well duh, the boy I'm practically in love with is showing me outward signs of affection.

"Uhhhh... I'm not sure yet"

"Oh ok do you wanna do anything else?"

"Uh I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back and we can figure something out."

I have to get out of there. I can't handle confrontation right now.

I gave him an apologetic look and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I needed to figure out how to approach the situation. I already feel like I messed up most of it, so I either have to explain why I was acting weird which means telling him that I like him, or pretend I was feeling sick. I didn't feel like telling him this early on what was going on so I went with the section option. I was just feeling a bit sick from the plane ride from the day before.

I walked out there with as much confidence I could muster.

"Just feeling a bit sick from yesterday sorry!"

"Oh, that's fine, any ideas on what we should do?"

"I haven't been to the UK before, I expect you to be an expert on stuff."

"Oh, I guess you're right. We could take the train into town and this evening watch the sunset?"

"Ooh! That sounds fun!"

We both headed upstairs and it took a minute for the both of us to find an outfit to wear. I wanted to wear something nice so Tubbo thought I was cool. "Hey don't forget to bring something warm for this evening California boy."

I scoffed at him and continued looking. I found my lemon demon shirt, a corduroy jacket, and some loose jeans. I also got my rainbow-laced docs from the back corner of my suitcase, buried under tons of clothes. Tubbo left for the bathroom with his stuff so I got changed out there. I like how my outfit looked. I feel like it needed some spice though!

I grabbed some of the soda can tab earrings I had made, half green, half purple, split down the middle. I also grabbed one of my silver chain necklaces with a little purple crystal at the end. I felt awesome. I put my boots by the back door and went back up.

I found Tubbo up there sitting on his bed. He was going through one of his smaller drawers looking for something. I walked up next to him and saw that they were skirts. He seemed a bit off-put that I was right there looking at them too and got a bit defensive, closing the drawer quickly.

"ACK! You didn't need to come up behind me like that! Look you see.... You know, I'm not even gonna lie to you, these are in fact mine but I don't like wearing them in public so if you could not talk about that I'd be awesome."

"Tubbo! You know I don't care, whatever makes you feel comfortable is cool."

"Ok good, I've had bad experiences with people knowing about me dressing femininely before."

"Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Nah not right now, it's not a positive thing for me and I don't wanna ruin my happy mood right now."

"Thats fine."

When I stepped away from Tubbo I finally got to look at his outfit and my GOD it was beautiful. He wore pretty constellation earrings, a pretty band tee, it was blue and had orange poppies. The corner in black said "The Rare Occasions". Wait! I love that band, I didn't even know they had merch! He had tan baggy cargo pants that had cool pockets.

I looked back up at his face and noticed he had blush on, I guess that was a thing he did, and also eyeliner? It more so seemed like black eyeshadow rubbed into his bottom eyelash line and was "stuck" in it. When I looked into his eyes he smiled at me which subsequently made me smile too. The butterflies were starting to come back again.


Both me and Tubbo jumped as we heard the female voice, I looked back and it was Lani.

"Mom and Dad just wanted me to tell you guys that you don't have a curfew which is unfair since I always have to be home super early. They just said don't make a lot of noise in the middle of the night and try not to come into the house at night either. So you can pretty much go wherever whenever which doesn't seem fair to me, neither do you being able to drive and go places easily."

"Thank you, Lani, for telling us, we're heading out soon to go to town so if you could tell them that'd be awesome."

"Ok fine. Ranboo! Love the fit! And the earrings!"

Tubbo gasped loudly at the lack of a compliment towards his look so reluctantly Lani said, "You too Tubbo, those pants are cool and I'd steal them if they weren't so long."

Tubbo hummed appreciatively and before she left, she reminded him,

"Please be safe, I know you have your friend over, but another hospital visit would suck for everyone."

"Ok Lani, I will. You can go now!"

I ignored that she just made a very vague comment and continued on,

"So how does the train system work?"

"We're gonna walk to a bus stop, that bus is going to take us to the main terminal, then from there we'll take a train that stops near the city and walk the rest of the way." (People from the Uk! If I made any mistakes, correct me and since we all kinda know the beach and town I'm talking about, tell me how the area works! Even just the location name would be SO helpful)

I just nod at him and we head to the door, I put on my docs and lace them as tight as I can, I saw Tubbo putting on almost black army boots. They looked comfortable for sure. And like that, we were off to walk to the bus station.

Yesss! I'm so happy about writing chapters. Fun fact, I wrote half this chapter in school during some reflection that didn't even apply to me! We love using school Chromebooks for fanfic <3. I really wanna start including photos for some stuff, the earrings especially bcs I made them abt a week ago! But anyways vote for the chapter to help me out and give some constructive criticism! The book is starting to kick up so enjoy!

1378 Words

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