Chapter 12

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~Ranboo Pov~

As we arrived home Tubbo wanted to wash his face. I guess whenever he cries and doesn't wash his face he gets styes. I stayed close to him, wanting to give comfort. As we went back out into our room Tubbo had to do treatment so I stayed with him. After it was done he asked me,

"Hey, can I just change out here real fast?"

"Oh uh yeah sure."

I think I was comfortable with it, I knew that Tubbo would be respectful, I noticed he immediately started to take his shirt off. I felt like I was intruding and looked somewhere else.

I went digging through my bag, I found purple plaid PJ pants that had a way too big of a waist, so I put them on and pulled on the drawstring until it was super long and they fit my waist. I also found an army green tank top.

"Hey, are you done changing?"

"Oh! One sec."

"Alrighty tell me when you're done,"

I put the tank top on fast and responded quickly after,

"Ok done, you can turn around now."

Even though they were older clothes, Tubbo looked as cute as ever. We both went to lay in our beds, but I wanted to be close to him after such a traumatic event.

"Hey, you've had a long day, come lay with me."

He seemed to have panicked but responded with,

"Oh ok..."

Tubbo unsurely came up to my bed and laid next to me, facing me.

"Do... you wanna cuddle or? What were your intentions?"

I realize he must be confused, it excited me when cuddling was his first thought though. His being a bit awkward about the situation was cute, it didn't matter to me.

"If you're ok with cuddling we can do that, I just want to be a source of comfort for you."

He looked up into my eyes with a big smile. I decided to finally pull him closer. I swiftly curled my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Tubbo looked like he wanted to do something too and I saw the gears in his mind turning. He tried to wrap his arms around my chest but it wasn't very comfortable for either of us so he changed by putting one arm on my upper arm and the other down by where my hands were.

"Are you doing better now? That was an extremely confrontational situation. I hope I handled it well for you."

"It was something I wasn't fully there for, I ended up dissociating on the bus, how does someone have the audacity to even say that though?! I mean, we didn't look like we were together right?"

I found the ending of his question humorous.

"Tubbo. Respectfully, you were asleep in my lap. I had woken up and was looking at you peacefully sleeping, without a worry on your face. When that guy started to make comments. I tried to stay as quiet and calm as possible but he escalated the situation. I'm truly sorry I couldn't end the situation before it started to affect you."

I hoped saying that made him feel better.

That feeling from earlier came about. I all of the sudden felt super close and intimate to him again. The closeness of our faces. I would just have to lean a bit to connect our lips. But I wasn't going to do that yet. I wanted to make sure the both of us wanted that. I relished the warm feeling in my lower stomach until Tubbo spoke up.

"Hey, Ranboo?"


"Have you had any past relationships in your life?"

I almost felt like I was being cornered. Whiplash out of the intimate moment we were having. I think he noticed and was a bit worried about my reaction.

"I mean there hasn't been much, just the occasional wedding on the playground."

"I had something similar except instead of a ceremony it was a girl pleading her undying love for me," I could see the sarcasm.

"Oh wait, now that I think about it, I don't think we ever broke up? She's gonna be really mad when she finds out I'm lying next to a cute boy."

Oops. I don't know how I'm going to recover from that.... Tubbo definitely noticed but talked with only a slightly wavering tone, he was for sure trying to brush off that he heard that.

"Uh oh looks like you're going to have to get out of here!"

"Yeah I guess so!" We laid there silently for a moment, taking in the peaceful moment.

"Wait, so you've never been in a real relationship before?"

"No? Does it seem like I had?"

"I mean yeah! You're awesome, it's surprising no ones been romantically interested in you!"

"Owch! That one hurt! If you're trying to get on my good side, you're failing."

"Am I not already?"

"Ok yeah you are, but still."

Tubbo was full of questions tonight,

"What are your thoughts on being in a relationship right now?"

"I mean, I'm not going to go hunting for someone to date, but as the right person comes along, I won't be opposed to it."

"Am I in the running?"

That sneaky guy. He knew what he was doing huh? Well I guess I can't deny it now? So he really has liked me then? It would make sense for our moments.

"There's no one else competing for the spot right now so I guess."

"Good because I was ready to fight someone with all the adrenaline I've had today."

Wait. This is really happening. What do we do now?

"As you know, we're both new to this, how do you wanna approach it?"

"Oh that's a good question, what do you want to be called? A partner? Boyfriend?"

Hearing him say boyfriend suddenly made the moment even more real than I thought it was.

"Boyfriend would be amazing. What about you?"

"I don't mind either. Depending on who you're around I guess, you'll figure out which, when, and I can help you out too."

"Well that's wonderful. I'm glad to have you as my boyfriend, Tubbo."

He smiled as big as I've seen him. I couldn't help myself, I pulled him close to me and gave him a peck on the forehead as a loving gesture.
"Couldn't have anyone better, thank you, Ranboo, for being my boyfriend."'

And there it was, everythings real. It was official. Those moments when we were about to kiss, I wonder if he had them too.

"Tubbo? Did you feel the same tension I did at the beach and just a little bit ago?"

"Yeah I did, how'd you feel about it?"

"We can spend our first kiss however we'd like. It can be spur of the moment or planned. I just want it to feel right."

"That's fine with me."

I felt Tubbo's hand that rested on my arm shift, he put his hand on my jaw and with his thumb, lightly caressed my cheek. It was such a loving gesture, I didn't even realize I could feel this happy from someone just rubbing my face.

I fell asleep holding Tubbo tight, he had his hand on my face and the other resting on my waist.

YES! THE CONFESSION CHAPTER! I wrote this at midnight the day before I'm leaving for my trip, so I'm hoping it all made sense. I hope you guys enjoyed how I wrote out the confession. It's one of the biggest parts of the story, so I know I need to make sure it's good! Thank you to everyone who is supporting me! Leave some constructive criticism and vote for this chapter! Enjoy <3

1292 Words

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