Chapter 4

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~Ranboo Pov still~
Tubbo offered to take one of the two large suitcases I had checked, I wanted to take it but he insisted. I had my large carry-on strapped to my back and the other one in my hand, slightly struggling but I deserve it for wanting to bring that much stuff.

Tubbo grabbed my free hand and I felt my stomach flutter and my face get red. He also turned red but I wanted to be realistic and decided that he was just warm.

Tubbo was super bubbly and told me all about the Uk while I listened and laughed, just trying to take his whole aurora in.

We got to his car, it was older looking but had a lot of character, I liked it. I put my suitcases in the trunk and carry them in the backseat. Both Tubbo and I took off our masks in the car and I realized that the redness he had was blush.

A small part of me wished he was blushing about holding my hand but I guess not. There was a silence for a moment as we drove out of the parking lot, I asked Tubbo what he'd want to listen to and he just told me to pick one of my playlists and hit shuffle. I found my > playlist and Love Grows started playing which made me get super red.

I got super anxious about it but then I heard Tubbo scoff saying,
"Are you embarrassed you don't know it?"
"Uh no, I do.... it just made me think about stuff"
"Oh ok"
I heard Tubbo start to hum along to the song as I was dreading saying something super stupid and scaring Tubbo off. I just wanted to be out of this car and not forced into such proximity.

~Tubbo Pov~
I started to think about songs that I liked and wanted to listen to with Ranboo and remembered Midnight City while I was getting dressed. Boom! Beeduo bracelets were brought to the front of my mind. I looked down quickly and saw that they were still there.

There was a comfortable silence in the car I think, but I was nervous it wasn't so I started talking.

"So a while ago I made bracelets, they're matching and are made for the both of us"
"That's awesome! I can't wait to see them when we get home!"
"They are on my wrist right now but I'll give you yours at the next stoplight."

Soon we were at a stoplight and I gave Ranboo the bracelet that was much too big for me. They both had green and red next to each other than white and yellow next to each other. (if you guys can think of better colors I'll edit the chapter)

~Ranboo Pov~
I took the bracelet and put it on my wrist, I loved it so much, it fit me perfectly.
"This is so cool Tubbo, thank you"
"Of course Ranboo, you mean a lot to me and this was just a little thing I could do."

Wait, I mean a lot to him? He must just like me as a friend then, I mean we are best friends after all. Soon we were at Tubbos house, we lugged in all my stuff and I got to see Tubbo's add on house in person.

It was plain in the main room, but when I looked up into the loft it was like a whole different house. There's so much going on up there I couldn't even note everything.

"This is the abode, I can help you unpack if you'd like!"
"Sure Tubs, do you want to take my carry-on? It's got a bunch of my stream stuff."
"Sure! JESUS! This one's heavy! No wonder you didn't let me carry this one for you!"

I watched Tubbo stagger out the loft while I walked around the room. I looked at the dresser that looked like I would be using it. It wasn't barren though, it fits right in, with a cool oval mirror painted with mossy green patterns around it. I also spotted an earring holder that looks like Tubbo had made and painted, I could use that to hold my jewelry!

Before walking away from the dresser I spotted something in the corner, it was this little ghost. It had a red bow tie painted on it and the eyes were painted black. I think it's really cute so I'll mention it later to Tubbo.

I took in the rest of the room pretty quickly when I remembered that I was supposed to be unpacking. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the butterflies though, they were slightly spinning, probably from the draft in the room, and were a bunch of different colors, they were so delicate and gorgeous.

I emptied my suitcase and put things in drawers while thinking about the room. When I was almost done putting things away, Tubbo came in saying he put my stuff in my stream spot. He is always so happy and it's sweet to see that he wants to help me.

"Are you almost done or do you want help?"
"I think I'll take a pause, let's do something."
"Oh ok!"

Tubbo grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my spot on the floor where I was folding. I looked at him in the eyes and it seemed like we both were blushing hard. I didn't hesitate to get up and follow him.

We went outside and went on the swing. It was quite little compared to me but Tubbos family is quite short so the height made sense.

We swung for a bit comparing the Uk and US, finally settling that the US was scary for Tubbo. Too many guns and criminals for his liking.

It was starting to get late, so we went inside and Tubbo showed me the bed I'd already seen. It was covered in a bunch of cozy blankets that didn't match but I didn't mind. There was even a little prickly pear cactus stuffed animal on the pillow. I smiled at Tubbo and hugged him for all the work he's put into things. I wanted to hug him so badly while we were away and wanted compensation for that long amount of time.

Tubbo grabbed clothes from his dresser and went to the bathroom to change, I stayed out in the room and quickly changed so I would be ready to go to bed by the time he was back.

"Hey I have to do my treatment, it'll be kinda loud but it's only a 30 minute ordeal."

Treatment? I'm confused.

"Uh yeah sure? What is treatment?"

"Oh yeah you don't know! I have cystic fibrosis, that means I get a buildup of mucus in my lungs, and treatment helps me get rid of it."

I didn't even know he had such a thing, I know a little bit about Cystic Fibrosis, it's a terminal illness which sucks, I guess Tubbos is living his best life and why he wants to retire young makes even more sense.

I heard the rumble of a machine and the spraying/misting sound of another.

We both got into our beds and Tubbo asked if it was ok if he played music before we went to bed.

Only if he knew how much I liked him.

"Yeah sure, I do that too."

I was exhausted, so exhausted from jet lag I didn't even know what song was playing first.

~Tubbo Pov~
I looked over at Ranboo after a couple of songs had played, he was completely passed out. I mean, it makes sense. He had been traveling and I know that takes the energy out of you.

I quickly took off my vest and set my mouthpiece into a cleaner. I lay on my side looking at him smiling, just thinking about dancing with him. Each song has its choreography. I drifted off thinking about all the stuff I wanted to do with him, I want to go on a date but I don't know how to bring it up, I guess we can just go somewhere, and after I'll bring up the possibility. I dozed off thinking about Ranboo, which seems to have been a common theme lately.

We're going to forget Mcc happened that day, ok? This chapter is full of a bunch of detail and the stuff about Tubbos room is just me kinda describing mine! Tell me if the author's notes are annoying bcs I can get how they'd be! Anyways vote to help me out as an author and give me some constructive criticism! Enjoy the book! <3

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