Chapter 16

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~Ranboo Pov~
I was catching my breath in the kitchen,

"Hey you've got something on your forehead, I think it's clay from earlier?"

I don't know what I was expecting. I bent down thinking that he would just rub it off with his hand but OF COURSE not!

"Hey! I didn't say you could clean it off with your mouth!"

"Oh sorry about that!

Oh my god I can TASTE the sarcasm in the air.

"Ughhhh how can you pull something like that and I just deal with it and appreciate you even more"

"Idk beloved, you'll just have to figure it out."

"Nooooo I don't even have anything to retaliate with to make you 'upset'"

The SARCASM was feuling me.

"Well, Boo, what are we gonna make? I like salty cheese omelettes, what do you want?"

I really don't know what I want, plus i'm not gonna look around his kitchen awkwardly.

"I'll just have the same honey nut cheerios like yesterday, simple stuff."

"Sure! I'll start making my omelette now!"

I watched Tubbo expertly make his breakfast, I didn't want my cereal to get soggy while I waited so I just ate the dry cheerios out of the bowl I would put milk in later.

"Oh ew are you going to make one of those wet egg omelets!"

"Yeah Ranboo, my FAVORITE flavor; water."

I just sighed at the sarcastic mark and decided to keep the conversation moving.

"Did you figure any treats out, Tubbo?"

"Uhhh we could make lemon bars? Or apple tarts! If you want a drink we could make butterbeer too!"

"No way! You know how to make butterbeer?! I thought that was a Universal Studios secret!"

I went to Universal when I was younger, probably 13 and loved the harry potter rides even though I've never read the books.

(I haven't and low key don't wanna read them bcs I don't wanna support a homophobe. My CHRISTIAN father also made sure I never read them, so instead I became an Indians Jones junkie <3)

"The recipe was just a google search away, love."

Hah. Love. Right. That's going to be fun to get used to, I love the nickname, it's just going to take time to fully grasp that someone can love me.

"Oh... We'll my interest in it shows that I wanna make some huh? If we have time can we make lemon bars too?"

"Well, the lemon bars are going to take a while to make so we can make butterbeer right now and the lemon bars in a bit!"


Tubbo sucks at giving instructions, I knew he wanted to see me suffer because in the multiple times I offered to watch his omelette while he grabbed the ingredients he denied.

I rounded cans of cream soda from the fridge, caramel extract, butter extract, heavy whipping cream, butterscotch topping, and powdered sugar. I also got the hand mixer.

"Alright so first put a cup of heavy cream into the bowl, then whip it until it makes stiff peaks, you know what that means right?"

"Yes, it's not my first time in the kitchen, but also can you double check for me just in case?"

So maybe I haven't really done his before, but that's fine; it couldn't be THAT hard.

"Yea of course!"

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