Chapter 5

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~Ranboo Pov~
I woke up to the gentle breathing of Tubbo. It made me smile to remember where I was and who I was with. I heard rustling next to me and saw Tubbo wrapped up in his bed, staring at his butterflies. He looked so warm and happy, slightly smiling as he blinked slowly, looking straight up. I could see the length of his eyelashes and his side profile.

The room gave me the cozy feeling of watching dust float in sun beams in a wood room. (I hope that made sense). He finally looked over at me and had a big smile and said, "Good morning, I finally got to be the first one to say it!"

I just scoffed at him and hummed approvingly. I felt my stomach slightly hurting and knew that I was hungry.

"Hey, think we can go get some breakfast? I'm still sleepy but I'm hungry enough to get up."
"Oh, ok sure. We can go to the kitchen downstairs and find something!"
"Alright, thanks"

We headed down to the kitchen and Tubbo went straight to the fridge and cabinets to find something. I sat down on one of the bar stools at the counter and as he opened one of his cabinets an avalanche of brightly colored candy packages fell on this kid.

I leaned over the counter to see if he was ok because he was quiet ever since he fell. He just looked at me in the eyes and we both burst out into laughter.

"What the hell are you doing with that much candy in a single cabinet?!"

"Well you see..." Tubbo said as he was catching his breath.

"I might have gotten all this yesterday while waiting for you... anyways do you want some whoppers? Otherwise we're gonna have to go into the main house for some real breakfast."

I smiled at him and we held eye contact for a second. Then I took him by the hand and tried not to look back at him while I walked forwards so I wouldn't see his reaction nor could he see mine. Tubbo happily accepted my hand and walked just behind me while we went into the house.

Just as we walked in, seeing that Tubbos' family was just finishing breakfast, I dropped his hand.

"Oh good morning boys! Nice to meet you Ranboo!"

Tubbos mom was pleasant and sweet, as she spoke I noticed Lani having an eye conversation with Tubbo, and it was odd to watch. Lani seemed suggestive while Tubbo was being dismissive.

I guessed they were talking about something they didn't want their parents to hear and Tubbo would tell me later if it was important enough. Tubbo and I went to the kitchen to grab some cereal and other foods. I got a bowl of honey nut cheerios and he got mango yogurt and added in some ~fruity~ granola.

We said bye to his family and went back into the extension, eating in the living room and continuing where we left off on The Office.

~Tubbo Pov~
When I first woke up I forgot who I was with, I stared at my butterflies in the morning sun, then heard a sigh and realized who I was with. Ranboo. I looked over at him and said good morning, feeling prideful that I finally was able to say good morning before he could.

Ranboo asked for breakfast which I was glad about because I too was feeling my stomach rumbling. We went into the kitchen and as I was looking for food I got caught in the avalanche of candies I had gotten for Ranboo and I. Falling to the floor, we both laughed until our stomachs hurt.

I ended up not having any good breakfast foods in my kitchen... oops... so we had to go to the main house. I was so excited for him to meet my parents until he grabbed my hand. I almost gasped but smiled big incase he looked back to know it was ok for him to do. He never looked back, I wondered if he was embarrassed and wanted me to feel better about myself...

We entered the kitchen and the whole family was turned away from the door except Lani and Tegan. Tegan was busy looking at her food and phone while Lani looked up immediately at us.
Ranboo dropped my hand quickly and started fiddling with his own.

My mom was not too overkill when she met Ranboo, I'm glad she didn't mention how much I gush over him. It's not like they can tell I like him though.

Lani caught my eye and started to talk to me with her eyes. She seemed to be asking if Ranboo and I were a thing, of course we weren't, he probably didn't even like me back. I was "telling" her that it was an insane idea. Lani's question made me rethink my situation. I know that when youre the one inside the "relationship" you're blind, I've seen it with other people. I'm not that oblivious though.

We got our breakfasts, I checked all the packaging and calculated how many milligrams of enzymes I would need for the amount of fat.

We went back to the extension with our breakfast and watched The Office.

"What are those little pebbles you're putting into applesauce?"

"They're my enzymes, I have to take them before meals on acidic foods, so I chose applesauce. My pancreas doesn't work so I have to take the enzymes so I actually absorb the nutrients from my food, I also have to eat a lot because it's not perfect, I only absorb 50-70% of what you would."

"Oh wow, I thought I ate a lot, but you HAVE to eat a ton to stay healthy!"

"Yeah pretty odd huh!" I laughed nervously,

Who knew that sitting with Ranboo in person during our regular tv show would feel so intimate? It's just a different feeling for sure. I wanted to make a move on Ranboo in the most friendly way possible so I decided to put my head on his shoulder.

I was already sitting close to him so I set my head lightly on his head. He tensed up and I felt like it was a mistake, I sat up and looked him in the eyes.

"Hey it's ok don't worry"

"Oh ok sorry"

I put my head back down on his shoulder with a bit more certainty. I settled into his shoulder so I was a bit more comfortable. Ranboo was being super quiet during the show, I was worried something was up with him. He's usually quietly laughing at the jokes or making comments on something in the movie he either recognizes or making a joke about it.

"Hey you ok? You seem a bit off put."
"Uhhhh... I'm not sure yet"
"Oh ok do you wanna do anything else?"
"Uh I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back and we can figure something out."

Ooh we got a bit of drama brewing! Thank you to all the readers, you guys mean a ton to me. This story has SO MUCH to go and it's just starting to get good. I'm trying to update once a day because I really do love writing this story. Please vote for the chapter to help me out as an author! Leave some constructive criticism and enjoy the book! <3

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