Chapter 20

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~Ranboo Pov~
"Well it's lunchtime, where do you wanna go, Tubbo?"

"I'm tired and don't wanna go anywhere, can we see what's in the fridge?"

"Sure, are you craving anything?"

I'm not hungry but from seeing the time, I was worried about Tubbo.

"Nah, but if I see something appealing then I'll get it out."

I stood up and Tubbo jumped off of the bed to hug my neck and wrap his feet around my waist.

"You realize you're going to have to get down when I go down the ladder... right?"

"You can't just carry me?"

"I'm going to be top-heavy, I can't balance down a ladder!"


I plopped him down and climbed down the ladder, he went down immediately after and I had to crouch because I was too tall for him to easily climb on.

I was wobbly when I stood up but as I walked I regained my balance a bit, I wiggled him off once we reached the kitchen.

"Ok, whaddya got?"

"Hmmm let's see."

When Tubbo opened up the fridge there wasn't anything of interest.

"Ok I'm not seeing anything, should we check the freezer?"

"Yeah, do you have any bagels by chance?"

They're one of the foods I can eat easily when I'm not feeling hungry.

"Yeah! We randomly get orders of fresh bagel boxes and have to freeze the ones we don't eat!"


When Tubbo opened the freezer I saw all the bagels, but also a ton of other foods that I would want to eat later.

"Ah I see the extensive array of bagels now, but I saw that mandarin orange chicken and mac and cheese! I like both, could we have mac and cheese for lunch, and orange chicken for dinner?"

"Yeah, that sounds good! I like both a lot too."

Tubbo went to microwave the food so I looked for their pantry/snack cabinet.

I found it and inside there was a bunch of stuff like soups, rice packets, beans, chips, dried fruit, cake/cookie mixes, and a couple of things I recognized.

I started yelling and that seemed to catch Tubbos attention


"Do we? I haven't looked through the cabinets in a while, it must be something one of my sisters had gotten!"

Tubbo stood next to me closely examining the foods, but the beep of the microwave broke him out of the trance.

He left to go make the other, I do want to try some of these foods like pocari sweat and making boba at home.

"We can make or try some of this stuff later, let's eat when the second one is done cooking!"

"Ugh fine, I suppose I can wait, can we watch The Office while we eat?"

"Yes! I've been wanting to watch more episodes with you!"

"Beeeeep Beeeeep"

"Oh I'll grab that and we can head over! Make sure you stir it to move around the cheese!"

I walked and stirred, sitting on the couch,

"I'll be there in a second! Just grabbing my Creon!" he yelled.

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