Chapter 11

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Tw: Homophobia, swearing (f slur included), dissociation.

~Tubbo Pov~
I woke up to the shouts of a gruff-looking man.

"Ooh look who's awake! The accomplice to this fucking crime. You guys are disgusting. Especially you. You don't know how to keep your fucking mouth shut and keep out of trouble. And look at you! Not even aware of what's going on! Your little boyfriend is trying to protect you!"

I saw Ranboo beside me looking angry and trying to slow his breathing, he was insanely angry and it was kind of scary. Before I knew it I saw Ranboo stand up, I had no clue what was about to happen in front of me, but I felt hot tears roll thickly down my cheeks and under my mask.

"Get out of here now. No one wants to be around your hatred."

Stop. What's going to happen, this is terrifying.

The man walked closer to Ranboo trying to square up, before he said something the doors opened. He hurried off to get his stuff.

Ranboo turned around and looked at me, his face had softened. I got up from my crunched position. He squeezed me as close as he could, I felt safe in his touch.

We couldn't talk about what happened there though, we had to get off the train before the doors closed. Ranboo hugged me close to his side as we ventured to the bus.

We stayed in the back of the bus, I'm still trying to think through the situation. So Ranboo had been approached, then the moment escalated, I'm guessing that the person was being homophobic just to try to upset us. We were in a position that most couples do so they rightfully had the thought that we were partners. But being mad about it is never a way to take the situation.

The bus started to move, I sat so close to Ranboo I was practically in his lap. But the bus suddenly stopped.

"Ah, there you little queers are. I fucking knew it. Look how gay you are. Completely unacceptable, what would your fathers think?"

Oh my god no. The yelling was coming back to me, I was starting to shut down.

Then I heard a female voice start talking.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm educating these young boys, they should know better to be queer, especially in public."

"I would like to know how this is affecting you, sir?"

"Look at these fucking faggots! They're being disgusting and no one wants to see that!"

That pained me. More than I could even fathom. I felt my soul leave my body as if the things around me were not real. Yet the words were so clear and shattering.

"Well from what I can tell, you came on the bus to specifically see them? It's almost like you wanted to come to see them just to spew your insecurities on them?"

"Hey! Shut the fuck up woman! You seem like you're a queer too!"

The words stopped. He seemed to be gone. But I was far gone from my body, in my headspace. Yet words seeped through the blur.

"I'm so sorry that he did that to you guys? Have you met him before?"

"Yeah, he was insulting us on the train we took here and spotted us, just to berate us more," Ranboo answered emptily.

"It hurts me to see that happening, I am non-binary and queer, so seeing someone else, in the community or not, be attacked for it is mind-boggling. I hope you guys can try to enjoy the rest of the night, this is my stop!"

"Thank you" Ranboo breathlessly said.

I felt the disconnect of myself being held tight to Ranboo once again. It's safe here. We can be ourselves around one another and be safe.

"Its... over, right?" I stuttered.

"Yes, I've got you, I won't let something get that out of control again, I promise. I don't want you to hurt like that ever again."

We arrived home. I felt like a mess. I also felt bad for crying in public. I went to go wash my face because if I don't, I get styes. I still kept Ranboo close to my side, we both stayed quiet and he was there for me as emotional support. At this point, I was too tired to care about much.

During treatment I stayed silent just listening to the sounds of the machines around me, Ranboo sat next to me, holding my hand.

When we went to get clothes to change into, I wanted to stay there and just get dressed as fast as possible.

"Hey, can I just change out here real fast?"

"Oh uh yeah sure."

I promptly took my shirt off looking for a cozy old one to slip on. I turned around and saw Ranboo blushing at the sight of me shirtless. If I had any energy left in me I would care, but not right now. I went back to putting a shirt on and while facing the dresser, put on PJ pants. Before turning I asked,

"Hey, are you done changing?"

"Oh! One sec."

"Alrighty tell me when you're done," I tried to sound as loving as possible and not sound pissed off and tired.

"Ok done, you can turn around now."

He looked adorable in his cozy clothes. We both went to go lay in our beds,

"Hey, you've had a long day, come lay with me."

"Oh ok," what am I supposed to do? Lay next to him? Cuddle? Shit.

I went up onto the bed and lay facing towards him, not sure what I was going to do. I felt awkward asking what we were doing but I did it anyway.

"Do... you wanna cuddle or? What were your intentions?"

He smiled at me and responded with, "If you're ok with cuddling we can do that, I just want to be a source of comfort for you."

I started to smile at myself as I looked up into his eyes.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and pull me closer. They comfortably held me tight. I tried to put my hands around his upper torso but my arms weren't comfortable reaching that far, instead, I put one hand on his shoulder and loosely put my other over Ranboos hands that settled on my waist.

"Are you doing better now? That was an extremely confrontational situation. I hope I handled it well for you."

"It was something I wasn't fully there for, I ended up dissociating on the bus, how does someone have the audacity to even say that though?! I mean, we didn't look like we were together right?"

"I mean... Tubbo, you were asleep in my lap. I had woken up and was looking at you peacefully sleeping, without a worry on your face. When that guy started to make comments. I tried to stay as quiet and calm as possible but he escalated the situation. I'm truly sorry I couldn't end the situation before it started to affect you."

It warmed my heart to hear that he wanted to protect me and that he admired me in my most defenseless state.

We were so close to one another. I felt that moment of wanting to kiss him again. It was the right time but I wanted to be completely sure that we were both on the same page. I decided to take the clever way of figuring it out.

"Hey, Ranboo?"


"Have you had any past relationships in your life?"

I hope everyone likes the alternating povs! I love writing out all the details and emotions that the characters have. I'm keeping the chapters short because they are easier to read through and you're not getting stuffed with info. I try to make the chapters between 1300 and 2,000, it's still short, but enough story for the book to progress. It's cool to see that the story is starting to get views! As of today, Dates is close to 300 reads! That's crazy. I can't even express how much I'm enjoying the process of writing this book. Thank you to all the readers! Leave some constructive criticism and vote for this chapter! Enjoy <3

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