Chapter 14

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It's a little bit of a heavy chapter with sickness! Stay safe everyone!

~Ranboo Pov~

I woke up to Tubbo turned away from me, I saw that his breathing wasn't as slow as it had been while he was sleeping, nor was he super still.

I guessed he was awake and put my head in the crook between his face and shoulder,

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" I hummed in his ear.

"Feeling pretty good after the very last of the events from yesterday, earlier, maybe not so much."

Oh he was referencing us becoming a couple, that's so crazy but so amazing to have happened! I didn't want to bring up the train man though.

"Quite understandable, what do you wanna do today?"

He smiled while thinking, I wonder what he was thinking about? Was it about me?

"Oh I don't know, maybe lay in bed alllll day? Pretty comfortable here," he said sarcastically.

"Let's stay in today, I like all of your clay figures and was wondering if we could make some together? Seems like a relationshippy thing we could do." I suggested.

"Yeah sure, I have a couple of things in mind,"

I saw that Tubbo was starting to get up so on the spur of the moment I squeezed him tighter, since it was playful, I don't think it'll upset him.

"Oh nuh uh you're not leaving yet, it may be mid-morning but I'm tired and wanna be close."

"Fine, you can lay with me for a little longer."

He was pretending to be reluctant but I could see right through his playful mask.

"Good cause otherwise I would have held you captive anyways."

I felt so safe being with him, it was filling the space in my heart and mind I didn't know was empty and longing. He started getting wiggly without realizing.

"Ok fine we can get up now," I sighed, breaking Tubbo out of his little trance.

"Yessss" I exclaimed while climbing out of Ranboo's loosened grip.

"What kind of clay do you use to create stuff?"

Hrs made so many little trinkets in his room, it's bound to cost a lot to get this much clay!

"Oh, I go to a craft store and get the Crayola air-dry clay, the white kind because it's easier to paint than the terra-cotta."

Tubbo led me to a corner of his room, there was a bunch of stuff set up,

"That sounds so cool, can you walk me through why you have all this stuff around here?"

"I have this black lap desk bcs I'm not making stuff on the carpet, the canvas over there is full of bottles of paint, my paint water mason jar, sketch pads, paintbrushes, and other art stuff. Also, I make all of my sculptures on parchment paper becuase I have a bunch left over from when I was making stickers! The containers of clay are right here, the lighter (weight, not color)  one has slip and old hard clay I'm softening! The other tub has clay that's ready to be used."

"Oh, that's awesome! How do you even figure out what to make?"

"Idk usually go onto Pinterest or if I need something I make it."

"What do you wanna make today?"

"Well, I don't wanna make it too hard for either of us so we can make trays!"

Immediately an idea was sparked in my mind,

"Oh cool! Can we make incense burners too? I've always wanted one!"

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