Chapter 2

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~Tubbo Pov~
I woke up a bit confused why I never went under the covers and still had my vest on but then realized I had been reflecting on everything and how I was so excited for Ranboo to come the next day! (for clarification, when tubbo fell asleep at 7am, Ranboo was coming two days after that.)

After staring at the butterflies I had colored and taped above my bed on a string, I checked my phone, seeing what time it was and to of course text Ranboo good morning. I started freaking out. IT WAS ONE AM. I SLEPT THROUGH ALMOST THE ENTIRE DAY. I REALLY CAN'T BE DOING THAT! If i'm not careful I can get a respiratory infection from skipping treatment! I then looked at how I was flooded with messages from ranboo telling me to wake up and how I would be sorry. I called him right then and there panicked. He picked up after two rings and just sighed. There was so much prep I still wanted to do and Ranboo was coming the next day!

~Ranboo Pov~
I woke up surprisingly late by the time I went to bed, I woke up at 8 and texted Tubbo a nice good morning message. Realizing he wasn't going to be up for a while, I went to finish packing all my bags and triple checked everything! I even made sure Micheal was in my bag five times!

I messaged Tubbo once again asking if he wanted to watch an episode of the office before I went live. I ended up getting no response so I went live, since the 30 Day Smp had just been created I streamed on it, I knew it was deemed to fail but I really didn't care. I had a pretty fun stream with chat. Of course the first dono I get is asking if todays my birthday but ofc it wasn't! My moldy bean soup was also a fun bit I got to do! And the uk truthing was of course amazing because soon after stream I would be on a plane. I ended the stream early and was worried that chat was catching on when I said "i'll see you guys... tomorrow?"

The final dono "im cosplaying nice wilde rn" made me ready to end the stream though. I packed up the rest of the things I used for the stream and put all my things in the car. Finally Tubbo responded to me, as I was about to the airport.
He called me and I put my headphones in quickly and told my parents that Tubbo FINALLY woke up. He started rambling how he'd slept in and all i could do was sigh at him. It did make me smile to think about him being excited and wanting to get his house ready for me.

"Ranboo what the hell am I gonna do? You're about to get on a plane and I'm going to see you in nine hours."
"Yeah isn't it exciting Tubbo? You're gonna get to see me! In all of my glory!"
"No but I don't think you're getting the point, I HAVE TEN HOURS TO PREPRARE THE REST OF MY STUFF"
"Tubs, it's ten hours, if you need to go to the store, we can go together when i'm there! And cleaning your little house won't be hard!"
"Ugh ok but i'm still gonna stress about it and you can't tell me otherwise!"
"Alright Tubbo, I'm just arriving at the airport so i'll text ya in a bit, talk to you later!"
"Ok rAnBoOb bye"

I was a bit off put but whatever, I was going to have to deal with the butterflies it gave me, with him next to me soon.
I said goodbye to my parents and my little dog frisbee, man I love him and hope when I post about him on twitter one day they don't call him a stoner.

Getting through security was interesting, I was the tallest one there, getting looks for that and my big backpack. I was anxious that someone would recognize me with me not wearing my sunglasses. (He's inside and wearing sunglasses inside at an airports a bit weird don't you think?) All the people behind me in the TSA line looked so annoyed at me for having to lay out all of my electronics. (I've traveled alone before, TSA is the most stressful part for sure.)

I got through that without having any panic attacks and quickly walked to my gate even though I had about an hour and some before the plane even boarded! I found myself a seat in the waiting area and went to go get my travel snacks. I came back to my spot with jellybeans, beef jerky, a bottle of water, and watermelon sour patch kids.

I was craving something sweet so I opened up the sour patch kids and ate a few by slipping them under my mask. I listened to Tubbo's groovy song playlist and relished in the warm feeling it gave me.

I boarded in C section (Airplane boarding goes from A-E on one story planes, A is first class, E is very back) and glad I upgraded to a business class seat for more legroom! Since I'm traveling in a pandemic, no one else was sitting in my row, which I was very grateful for!

After the plane took off I slightly fell asleep to the rumble of the plane. A flight attendant asked if i'd like a drink though so I forced myself to wake up because I knew i'd want that drink later in the flight.
"Ginger Ale please!"

I took the cold can and slid it into the little pocket in front of me. I took out my headphones and found some of my downloaded music, I decided to listen to my dreaming playlist because I was in a sleepy mood. I also logged into the airplane "wifi" so I could at least send and receive messages. I didn't text Tubbo though because I knew he was busy getting ready, but I wanted to be able to at least receive the message if he sends one to me.

I think about what it's going to be like to hug Tubbo. I let my mind wander into a sleepy state and ended up thinking about kissing him. It was a completely normal and rational thought in my half awake brain.

I woke up five hours into the flight with some of the most aggressive turbulence I've felt. I looked at my phone to see the time and giggled at the messages Tubbo had sent me. I responded with, "I woke up to some turbulence but otherwise doing amazing :)"
"Oh, good!"
~long pause~
"Can I hug you when I see you? I don't wanna go past any boundaries"
"Tubbo, of course, I can't wait to see you even more now :)"
"Thanks Ranboob now go to bed so you're not grumpy when you're here"

I knew he was messing with me so I sent back a D: and flipped my phone facedown. I was still listening to the songs on my > playlist (JUST FOUND OUT RANBOO DELETED/PRIVATED HIS DREAMING PLAYLIST) and realized Love Grows (by Edison Lighthouse) was playing, and it made me really happy. It's an upbeat song and made me think about Tubbo with the line "Her hair is kinda wild and free" and the rest of the song guilt tripped me into wanting to tell Tubbo about how much I enjoy being around him and like him. But of course he wouldn't like me back in that way, let alone want to do anything romantic with me. The hopeless romantic in me will just have to suffer.

I remembered my Ginger Ale and went to crack it open because the turbulence had gone to a minimum. It tasted sweet and extremely bubbly. It was so bubbly that it burned my throat as it went down, I don't mind it much though, as I needed something to get my nerves down.

I set down my drink and went back to nap, trying to distract myself as the end of the flight approached and I was getting antsy. I passed out till the last 30 minutes of the flight, I finished the rest of my now softer soda, and texted Tubbo I was landing soon.
He didn't respond which made me think that he was just getting ready and driving to the airport. (Ah right, Tubbos gonna have to know how to drive in this story bcs it'll help the plot)

I breathed in and out like my parents taught me, calming myself down from what could have turned into a panic attack. I didn't know why this could be such and anxiety inducing event but it'll be ok once we are actually face to face.
I wiggled in my seat excitedly as people started getting off the plane. I looked around the airport, nothing crazy, but it was a new space and was interesting to take in. I texted tubbo saying I was heading to baggage claim and followed all the rest of the people getting off the plane. I got to baggage and Tubbo texted he was there.

~Tubbo Pov~
There he was, taller than everyone else, I charged at him at full speed.

There's so so so many references to me in this, something fun could be like you guys guessing what oddly specific parts are bcs of me and i'd tell you if you're right or not :). Anyways I'm having a ton of fun with this story! Make sure you vote, it helps me a ton! Give a bit of constructive criticism /nf and enjoy the book!

1635 words

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