Chapter 7

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~Tubbo Pov~

Ranboo was practically running for the bathroom, I feel like I messed up big time. I do still wanna go on that date with him if it's not too awkward though. I anxiously waited for him to come back, I worried about what he would say, I knew that he was trying to figure out how to answer my question while hiding.

He came back and I guess he was feeling sick. Seems like a cover-up but I won't fight it. To be a good host I asked if he wanted to go anywhere but I had the perfect place in mind.

We're going to the town, then to the beach, my favorite place. We went upstairs to change, I grabbed my Rare Occasions band tee and pants I had thrifted.

While in the bathroom I put on some blush, found my favorite earrings, and tried to put on eyeliner, but didn't end up liking it. I walked out of the bathroom and didn't see Ranboo in the room. I don't know where he went but I wanted to look at my skirts. I romanticized wearing one while I was with Ranboo, I'd be so pretty.

He scared me badly while I was looking at them.

"ACK! You didn't need to come up behind me like that! Look you see.... You know, I'm not even gonna lie to you, these are in fact mine but I don't like wearing them in public so if you could not talk about that I'd be awesome."

I guess I got lost in the moment, I don't know if I'm ready for him to know yet so when I answered, I hesitated, wondering if I should lie about it and say they were my sister's back stock or were just old Halloween costumes. I ended up telling him the truth though because I want to start being more genuine.

"Tubbo! You know I don't care, whatever makes you feel comfortable is cool."

"Ok good, I've had bad experiences with people knowing about me dressing femininely before."

"Oh! Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Nah not right now, it's not a positive thing for me and I don't wanna ruin my happy mood right now."

Flashbacks to being with Tommy in town messed me up. People can be horrible when they think you're different and don't fit in.

"Sounds good."

I spaced out for the moment thinking about it, I soon noticed that Ranboo was looking me up and down. It couldn't be anything bad right? Was I too feminine? I bet he wouldn't want to be around me in public.

He scanned back up to my face and started smiling bigger, he had a slight upturn at the corner of his lips before. We soon made eye contact. It wasn't like any of the times before, it was almost as if something was blurring my vision so I could only see him. He was so pretty just being himself.


Our beautiful moment was immediately broken, I jumped at the sudden sound, and Ranboo spun around towards the sound quickly. Lani started explaining to us that we got all the free time we wanted, and how we pretty much had free reign at night too.

My mind flourished with ideas of cool things I could do with Ranboo. She complimented Ranboos outfit, as much as I wish I could compliment him too, I didn't want to "out" myself in any way before I was sure that there was even a possibility that he could like me back.

I gasped at her sarcastically, trying to get her to compliment me too. As she did, she added how she wanted to steal my clothes. I hummed at her because at least she complimented me.

Ranboo spun back towards me, and as soon as he couldn't see Lani, she winked at me suggestively. Why would she do that? What did she think we were even going to do with the lack of restrictions? You know what, I don't even want to know!

"Please be safe, I know you have your friend over, but another hospital visit would suck for everyone."

I guess I showed my thoughts on my face because Ranboo looked back at me and seemed a bit worried, he went on to ask a question in an almost careful tone.

I explained to him what we were gonna be doing and we soon walked down by the door.

I found a pair of doc martens by the door that Ranboo was heading for. I wonder if that's what he left to do. I looked at the boots closer and smiled because my black army boots also had a hint of rainbow. On the bottom, there was a round rubber stamp that was rainbow and had the company name imprinted in it.

(Look up converse with rainbow branding, that little branding circle is what I was imagining).

Ranboo wasn't going to learn that for a while though huh? I like to show my pride but in a bit more reserved way. It's cool to see Ranboo wearing rainbow places though. He laced his boots super tight, I guess he liked them fitting.

I slipped on my fleece-lined boots and we were off. We took the short walk to the bus, we minimally talked about what shops there were, and soon boarded.

Today the bus was medium busy. The back of the bus was pretty empty so we sat back there. Sitting next to each other, Ranboo put headphones in, he offered me one but I declined, rather wanting to sit with my thoughts.

Ranboo was scrolling through Twitter answering people's tweets and answering the Uk truthing. (I didn't write about Mcc happening but somewhere It did happen, just let the story keep moving).

I answered DMs on Discord, answering filming opportunities, especially Tommy's vlogs.

I felt Ranboo slightly lean his weight onto my shoulder, it was more of a relaxed position of wanting to be closer. He honestly could have done it, seeing someone who seemed like a threat and wanted to try to show me that I'm safe. Wait no that can't be right. But it could? I know he cares about me but he wouldn't go that far-right?

I'm sucked out of the thoughts as I feel the bus slow. Ranboo stands up first, I notice how he's already taken his headphones out.

As I stand he holds out his hand. I try not to get flustered, relieved that I was wearing a mask and he couldn't see me get redder than my blush was already making me.

I happily took his hand feeling a spark as we touched. It wasn't like those sparks from playgrounds or carpets, it was a different kind. The electricity ran through my veins.

I led him to the terminal, we paid for our tickets, and walked over to our station. The train would be there in twenty minutes so we sat on a bench. Our hands unclasped and I felt the heat leave my hand. It was a sad feeling.

We again went on our phones, occasionally leaning over to the other to show a photo or a message we saw that was funny. As the train arrived we got back up.

I noticed he wasn't putting his hand out so I tried to be the one to make the move. I moved my hand out and he accepted, eyes brightening. It made me happy to see that we both mutually wanted to hold hands.

Maybe, just maybe I could call this a date.

Love this chapter, thanks for sticking around because the book is starting to get better and better! My writing is also improving which I love. Since this book is called dates I know you guys are waiting for me to post chapters with them going on dates, and yes! That's coming soon! If anyone has any cool date ideas that you've been on / want to go on, message me! If I like the idea I'll credit you before the chapter! I'm also wondering if you guys think there should be some angst in the book! I haven't even started to think about the ending so it could go anywhere. I hope you guys are enjoying the book! Please leave some criticism and vote for this chapter! <3

1400 Words

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