Chapter 8

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~Ranboo Pov~

Tubbo and I headed to the bus quickly with minimal conversation. I was so excited to go to town and look at the water from the non-west coast view. We boarded the bus, it wasn't very long but I did want to listen to some of my music. I offered Tubbo a headphone because I know he likes my music. He declined which worried me a bit, but I pushed it to the back of my mind because it wasn't that big of a deal.

I went onto Twitter and my timeline was a mess because of the meetup. There was a bunch of cool fanart I got to see and responded to a bunch of threads with my friends in it. I felt a bit off, being this far yet so close to Tubbo so I leaned on him slowly.

He took the weight without hesitation and wordlessly accepted me closing the gap between us. I looked out of the bus windows and could see that we were almost there so I took out my headphones.

Tubbo was intently answering DMs so I left him to that. I looked around the bus, it was interesting to see the Uk folk compared to the LA people. I can't even describe the difference but I for sure noted how the Uk was busier and slightly cleaner. The bus came to a stop, pulling up against the sidewalk (or pavement for my European folk).

I stood up and looked down at Tubbo putting his phone into his pocket. I wanted to be close to him again, so as a split decision that I hoped was a good one, I held out my hand.

Tubbo accepted it gleefully and it filled my heart. He seemed to be having a moment kind of standing there. He looked like he was staring at nothing but processing something. It was funny but also felt somehow intimate.

Tubbo led me to the station and we both paid for the tickets. The train was coming soon but not soon enough that we could just stand there and wait.

We sat on a bench and were scrolling through our social media and showing each other funny pictures, whether it was a frame someone had captured from one of Tommy's vlogs, or a badly photoshopped image.

As the train started to arrive I stood, Tubbo following closely behind. I wanted to get on the train first because I wanted a nice seat. I looked at Tubbo as he walked next to me, he held out a hand, I forgot to even reach out to Tubbo as I first stood up! Crap! I hope he still thinks I like holding hands with him!

I accepted his hand but this time it came with a spark. A spark that traveled through my body that made me feel ecstatic.

We continued to walk beside each other and sat close to one another in the seats. It was going to be a bit of a train ride, two hours, so we both put our headphones in. I watched Bo Burnham's INSIDE on Netflix while Tubbo seemed to be listening to music and working on video ideas.

Time started to fly by and suddenly I felt the weight of Tubbo fall onto my shoulder. I moved a bit and he was completely limp. I turned my head fully and his eyes were shut. I'm guessing he's asleep because it doesn't seem like something he'd do with no warning.

It made me happy that he was comfortable enough around me to fall asleep around me. There was an hour left in the ride so I let him stay asleep, I plan on waking him up fifteen minutes before.

Rest of the ride I relished the feeling of having Tubbo asleep on my shoulder and watching other shows. His phone is in his lap face down, but headphones in his ears, which makes me think that he fell asleep to his music.

Time flew by, as the announcer said there were fifteen minutes until we reached our destination. I started rubbing his shoulder and lightly stroking his hair. Soon he started to gain consciousness. He started to smile and after a minute looked up at me with big eyes.

I think he realized that he was cuddled up on my side because soon his eyes gained a blank expression and he moved back to his upright position in his seat emotionless. He looked up at me with an apologetic look,

"Uhm sorry for falling asleep on you, I guess my music made me tired."

"All good, you were passed out for a while, we're almost there."

I could tell he was still waking up so all I got from him was an "oh". After a moment of silence that we comfortably sat in, just taking in the rumble of the train. (Brown noise is kinda similar).

"Hey I am sorry, I didn't mean to do that and I should've asked."

"Tubbo! You were asleep, in no way could you have asked. I'm fine with you falling asleep on me, it doesn't bother me at all and it's comforting to have someone near me."

"Oh, you don't mean that."

"I do Tubbo, now come on, the train is about to pull into the station."

I took him by the hand while we were still sitting and looked him in the eyes. I did want to show him that I was ok with a physical touch from him. I don't know if he got the memo but he did seem to relax a bit.

The announcer said it was ok for us to leave the train so we did, we walked out of the station and to the bus stop. Holding hands the entire time. I really could get used to being so close to him all of the time.

On the last bus, Tubbo was practically in my chest, I held him close to me while we waited. It felt special to be so close to him, since it was mid-day and everyone was at work/school that specific bus was pretty empty. It was a moment to ourselves where we could just appreciate each other's presence. We stayed in our "cuddling" position until the end of the ride.

We both stood up, took each other's hand, and stepped off of the bus. This little beach town was so cute and I'm ready to explore with the person I adore.

Yes, I know a shorter chapter sorry. I like how it's going, a bit slow but I like adding details and how each of the characters feels about things. Now to add about the brown noise thing. PLEASE LISTEN TO BROWN NOISE! It reminds me of riding in a car while the sun rises :). Idk how but it feels special to me. Anyways I hope everyone is having a good day. If you know anything about the Uk train systems I could REALLY use the help. Anyways leave some constructive criticism and vote for this chapter! Enjoy the book! <3

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