Chapter 19

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~Tubbo Pov~

"Should we go paint those mushrooms?"

"I want to be close to you though,"

I squeezed myself closer to his chest.

"Ok, what do you want to do then?"

"Can we lay down and chat?"

"Of course, I'm not going to be able to climb the stairs with you attached to my front though, sorry!"

"Ughhhh fine,"

I let my arms fall to my sides, missing his touch.

"Ah, I see you chose the bed with the best blankies, good choice."

"Hey! Have you been holding out on me?"

He jokingly was offended, how dare he!

"No, I gave you some of my favorite ones, the ones I have are just the ones I sleep best with personally."

"Well this is cozy and I'll be sleeping here."

"Well looks like we're just going to have to share a bed."

"Oh nooo, I don't mind, I'll just have to sleep in yours then."

I didn't want to sleep in separate beds, I hope my sarcasm is potent enough that he notices.

Just to make him know I was in a playful mood I jumped on him.

"Hey! That hurt! Watch yourself or else I'm gonna have to chuck you into a different bed."

"Oh, nOoOoOo! You're gonna pick me up and throw meeeee."


Suddenly I was lifted from the bed, I shrieked at the sudden movement, then I wasn't being held anymore, I felt my body bounce on the bed and soon I felt a heavy weight pushing me into the bed.

"Hey! I can't move with you on top of me!"

"Yeah, that's your fault for letting me pick you up dum dum!"

I rolled off of him and sat up, he also got up and sat close to me,

I wanted to be next to him but it didn't feel like enough,

"Can I sit on your lap?"

"Of course, love."

I sat criss-cross on his thighs, back towards him, I craned my neck to the side so I could see his face.

"So do you have any date ideas for the future?"

"Well, I wanna go on a picnic when it's nice out, not the cold weather we're having today."

"Hmmm lemme brainstorm ideas."

"Of course, I guess I'll just have to admire you in silence."

"Woah not silence! I'll think out loud for the both of us,"

"Haha sure, do you like being outside?"

"Well it depends, I can't get too close to damp places, mold, swamps, or soil because it carries germs that would be extremely difficult to treat for my weakened immune system."

"Ok, that narrows down what we can do quite a bit huh?"

"Yeah, childhood wasn't as fun as it was for healthy kids but I've gotten over that now."

"Well we can do fun things, what's the closest you can get to stuff without being at risk?"

"In warm damp areas I really shouldn't be breathing in whatever's in the air so none of that, mold can also be in the air so I gotta avoid that too, we don't have any swamps in the area so I'm not too worried about that, and finally, with dirt, it's so common that as long as I'm not touching it and then touching my face, I should be good. With shoes and clothes, I put them either straight into my hamper or leave my shoes in their spot."

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