Chapter 18

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~Ranboo Pov~

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

Tubbo locked his fingers with mine and swung my arm. He was hinting at dancing for what I could tell.

"You realize I can do that by myself right? You don't need to move me around, just tell me what kinda moves we're doing."

"Haha ok, you wanna ballroom dance?"

I knew he was joking but I'm sure as hell not going to let the moment pass by, he reminded me of ALL that time I spent in the gym.?

"Oh? You doubt my skills?"

"Ok, what's going on?"

"Oh boy you don't even know, I took ballroom dance in high school, I guess having to dance with those short girls that were obsessed with me because I was tall paid off!"

"What! I didn't know you were the guy of your classes that the girls were obsessed with!"

"Well you see, I'm in tune with my feminity and masculinity so I attract the annoying short girls and the cool gay people."

"I'm glad you found a little community and sorry you had to deal with those girls."

"Yeah it's fine, I had friends that they thought were "scary" so they got outta there real fast."

"So are we gonna dance or what?"

"Oh, so you want to? Ok, let's do it!
Do you know how to dance or do you want me to teach you?"

"Yeah, a little lesson would be helpful."

"Of course, I'll take the lead role, so you're going to hold my left hand, and I'll put my right arm under your left shoulder blade. You're going to be doing the opposite moves to me!"

"Ah ok; so this stance?"

When dancing with those random girls it didn't feel special nor did I enjoy the closeness.

"Yes, perfect."

"Alrighty, so now I'm going to step forwards with my left foot, and you're going to step backward with your right foot. We can do it slowly this time so you don't fall."

He didn't seem to get it when we first did the move, and when I pulled him back I Don't think he realized that I was going to use my hand to keep him up.

"Good job with the starter move! Reset to the beginning and we can try that move a couple more times!"

It was a simple move, just taking a step as one, but getting it down and being comfortable in the move is so important.

"You're learning! Alright let's add another move, we're going to step out on my right and your left, let's try it."

I was the leader so I was going to have to show him what to do, I took a step outward and he followed.

"Good job! You're doing amazing, but if you ever do speed up, remember that it's a calm and controlled dance, so don't be scared to go slow!"

"This is fun, how many more moves are there?"

"One more! It's just us bringing our feet back together like the start."

We did the entire thing and he wasn't half bad, definitely needed to get more comfortable in the movements themselves, but in general, he knows it.

"You've got it! I'm proud of you for learning so quickly."

There was a twinkle in his eye for a second as he froze, but he popped back quickly.

"It's all because of my wonderful teacher who cares about me."

"Cares about you? Pfft if I cared about you would I pick you up and swing you around like this?"

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