Chapter 9

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~Tubbo Pov~

I held hands with Ranboo as we boarded the train. We sat close to one another, I liked the feeling of being close to him. We both put in our headphones. I was busy listening to music and working on content ideas until I started to get bored and decided to listen to some chill music and put my phone down.

I felt warm and cozy, there was a hand touching my arm and head, it felt comforting and I took in the feeling. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Ranboos arms. It was cozy and comforting. I looked up into his eyes. He seemed pretty happy about it too.


I started to panic because last I checked I was sitting up listening to music. I sat up trying to figure out how to approach the situation. I decided to just be sorry because there's nothing else I can do.

"Uhm sorry for falling asleep on you, I guess my music made me tired."

"All good, you were passed out for a while, we're almost there."

That wasn't a good enough apology, I wanted him to know that I'm serious.

"Hey I am sorry, I didn't mean to do that and I should've asked."

"Tubbo! You were asleep, in no way could you have asked. I'm fine with you falling asleep on me, it doesn't bother me at all and it's comforting to have someone near me."

Stop. This is making me too hopeful that he likes me. HE DOESN'T! STOP MAKING YOURSELF BELIEVE HE DOES!

"Oh, you don't mean that."

"I do Tubbo, now come on, the train is about to pull into the station."

Oh my god stop he can't. Jesus christ this guy- why does he have to be so awesome, sweet, and cool. Like how is he not already in a relationship??? Oh wait, I never even asked him about that. I guess I'll have to remember to do that soon...

We walked together holding hands to the bus. His physical touch meant more than anything to me right now. As we boarded the almost empty bus to town, I sat close to him, and as the bus started to move I got closer to him, putting the side of my face against the side of his chest and we sat in the close position until the end of the drive. (I can see how someone could imagine this to look/feel awkward, just imagine it as if they are in a comfortable position.)

Hand in hand we got off the bus, I was so excited to show my favorite person my favorite place. First, we went to get fish and chips on the dock. It was past lunch and I knew both of us were going to start feeling hungry soon.

Ranboo made funny comments about how the water looks "completely '' different from his home. We ate our food slowly, we kept talking about things and ranting about things we love instead of paying attention to eating.

Once we did finish eating I knew what shop I wanted to take him to first, a jewelry shop. There were two in this area, but the one I'm taking him to is my favorite because they have a lot of crystal stuff. I knew this was a good choice because Ranboo was already wearing a crystal necklace.

We threw our trash away and set off to go to the shop. I held Ranboo's hand once again, happy that this was becoming a regular thing. As we entered the shop my favorite shopkeeper greeted us, Celia. (This is a random name please don't try to link it to a mcyt creator).

Ranboo started looking at the tables, when I gave him a look he nodded and went back to admiring the crystals.

I walked over to her giving a good hello, I told her about me having Ranboo stay at my house.

"Ooh, how'd you meet him?"

"Online actually, you know I'm a streamer, and we met through friends. We've been talking for months and finally met up!"

"Oh, that's awesome! I'm happy for you!"

I hummed appreciatively and went back to Ranboo to see if he found anything he had liked. He found an aquamarine-tinted necklace and was showing me all the little parts of it he thought were super cool.

I admired his passion for the little details of things. He went up to Celia and bought the necklace, getting a little pouch for it and putting it inside his jacket pocket.

We walked to other shops but didn't end up getting anything. It started to get late and colder, of course, I reminded Ranboo to wear something warm but I forgot to bring a jacket! We walked onto the beach and admired how the sun looked while it was setting.

"Hey, can we go buy a blanket before the shops close? I'm cold and wanna have something to sit on with you while we watch the sun go down.

"Oh sure, it's ironic that you forgot a jacket."

"Yes I know, don't make fun of me for it."

"Oh I just might," he said in a teasing tone.

I smiled and swung our clasped hands, we walked into a clothing shop right before it closed and bought a fuzzy blanket. I wrapped it around myself and made a spot so I could still be holding his hand. We arrived at the beach when the clouds started turning pink. I know that this won't last long so I took the blanket off, welcoming the cold rush of air that touched my bare skin.

I put it fuzzy side up so it wouldn't get too gross, we sat on it, I took my boots off and that was the silent invitation for him to take off his as well. We sat on the blanket and leaned close to one another. It was such a happy, comfortable feeling.

"Tubbo, I appreciate spending time with you. It's amazingto be so close to you."

"Oh, me too, I enjoy being around you, I feel really content while I'm around you."

"I want to be completely transparent to you because that's important to me. I want you to know that I appreciate physical touch, you don't upset me at all by falling asleep on me nor being close to me randomly."

"I'm glad, I like it when you do that too, physical touch and quality time are some of my favorite things."

We were so close together, I noticed how close our faces were getting warrier and warrier of the distance. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this relationship to go that far yet so I instead put my face against his chest and hugged him. I feel like there was a chance that we could kiss soon. The moment for sure felt right. I was worried Ranboo wasn't feeling completely the same though, so as a precaution I intimately stayed "friendly".

It was getting dark outside, so we picked up the blanket and I wrapped it around myself after leaving the warmth of Ranboos arms. We went onto the bus, then the train with me looking only a little homeless.

We were both very tired after a night out, I felt myself drifting off when I was back in Ranboo's arms and found he was asleep already.

I set a timer for fifteen minutes before we were supposed to get off and we both dozed off. I woke up to the feeling of Ranboo's chest-thumping and him talking upsettingly.

Another chapter finished on a school Chromebook <3. For a bit of context with how ahead I'm trying to be, I wrote this on February 16th. A bit of spice at the end for a wee hook. Writing chapters every day has become one of my habits and it makes me happy to think about how I'm doing something with my life that is positively impacting others. I hope everyone is doing well and did something they are proud of recently. Leave some constructive criticism, vote for this chapter, and enjoy the book! <3

1370 Words

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