Chapter 15: Guys Night Out ; Girls Night In (Part 1)

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Let's begin!
(Normal Pov) (With The Guys)

Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, and Charmy were all at Shadow's house.

"We should have a Guys Night Out!" Knuckles cheered. Shadow smirked

"That's a pretty good idea." Shadow replied. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Charmy got up and opened the door to see Niesha standing there wearing black joggers with the word 'Love' in red on the left pants leg and a white tank top and some black and white hightops on with a black hat facing backwards on her head

"Sup guys." Niesha nodded at them, walking in as Charmy closed the door after her

"What are you doing here?" Shadow questioned as he watched Niesha take a seat beside Silver

"Amy told me that since I'm the guy in our relationship that I should hang out with y'all." Niesha replied. Shadow nodded her way

"Good enough."

(With The Girls) (At Cream's House)

"Sonic, why are you here?" Amy questioned as she tilted her head. Sonic blushed and sat down beside Blaze

"Shadow thought it would be a good idea for me to hang out with y'all." He replied

"Ohh." Amy smiled

"Hey! I forgot to tell you guys! Sonic's pregnant!" Cheery cheered. Blaze, Amy, and Cream gasped and looked at Sonic

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!" Amy hugged Sonic tightly, who chuckled and hugged her back

"When its time, we're gonna throw a baby shower!" Cream stated

"And it can be at my house." Blaze added. Sonic smiled

"Thanks. That really means a lot to me." Sonic stated

"No prob. I mean, that's what friends are for." Cream replied

"So what are we gonna do today?" Cheery wondered

"We should just stay here and have a little girls night in. We could have a slumber party, talk about random things." Rouge said

"You're making it sound like we're still in high school." Sonic giggled. Rouge laughed

"But for real. We should do it." Rouge looked at everyone else and seen them nodding

"Okay so everyone go home and get what you need. Then come back so this party can start!" Cream cheered.....

(With The Guys)

"Guys night out?" Niesha smirked

"We were just thinking about that before you showed up." Silver replied

"So are y'all still gonna do it?" Niesha questioned

"Hell ya!" Knuckles cheered. Shadow then thought of something

"Did I tell y'all that Sonic's pregnant?" Shadow asked. Knuckles, Charmy, and Silver looked at him

"Really?" Charmy questioned

"Yeah." Shadow replied

"How?" Knuckles questioned

"He's a herm, which is basically a male human or animal that has female genes, which also means that they can reproduce." Niesha replied smartly

"Wow. Shadow's gonna be a father." Silver thought to himself ad he looked at Shadow. He then looked down

"I guess it's too late to tell him how I feel then." Silver sighed

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